Ceramah Ust.Yusuf Mansur for Android
Aplikasi kumpulan ceramah Ustadz Yusuf Mansur berasal dari ceramah wisata hati dan ceramah-ceramah ust Yusuf mansur lainnya. Aplikasi ini berisi ceramah yang bisa diputar langsung dengan koneksi internet. Disarankan menggunakan koneksi WiFi atau 3G/4G (streaming).
Isi ceramah antara lain sebagai berikut:
- Menangis dan Tertawa
- 10 Kali Lipat
- Pengajaran Tauhid dan Akhlak Mulia Kepada Anak
- Mengutamakan Allah
- Ujian dan Azab
- Dll.
Semoga Bermanfaat.
Yusuf Mansur (born in Jakarta, December 19, 1976; age 40) was a prominent preacher, author and entrepreneur from Betawi, once leader of the boarding school Daarul Quran Ketapang, cipondoh and recitals Tourism Hearts.Applications collection of lectures Ustaz Yusuf Mansur comes from the heart and travel lectures lectures Yusuf Mansur ust another. This application contains lectures that can be played directly with an internet connection. It is advisable to use a WiFi connection or 3G / 4G (streaming).
The contents of lectures are as follows:
- Crying and Laughing
- 10 Fold
- Teaching Tawheed and the Noble Morals To Kids
- Giving priority to God
- Exams and Azab
- Etc.
May be useful.
Hevea ** **