Lagu Ceng Zamzam Lengkap for Android
Ceng Zamzam VOL.1
1. Sholatun
2. Burikhti
3. Azka Taslimi
4. Alhamdulillah
5. Sholatullah
6. Khoirul Bariyyah
7. Yaa Ala Baitinaby
8. Ya Imamarusli
Ceng Zamzam VOL.2
1. Ya Rasulullah
2. Romadhon
3. Birosulillah
4. Salamun
5. Allahuma Sholi
6. Yaa Allah ya Marhaban
Ceng Zamzam VOL.3
1. Al-Hijrotu
2. Antassalam
3. Antudkhilana
4. Habibi
5. Sholatullahi Dzilkaroomi
6. Ya Asyiqol Musthofa
7. Allah Ya Rabbi
8. Annabi Sholualaih
Fitur Aplikasi :
- Aplikasi sederhana dan mudah digunakan
- Search (untuk memudahkan anda menemukan jutaan lagu favorite anda)
- Loading cepat anti lelet serta tidak membebani RAM
- Bass booster dan equalizer
- Lyrics
- Multitasking support, Android 6.0 Marshmallow support
- Lagu bisa dijadikan nada dering, alarm, notifikasi, dll
- Lagu bisa di share ke teman melalui media sosial
- Lagu sholawat lengkap dan ribuan lagu religi lainnya
- Kualitas suara HD, suara jelas dan jernih tidak cempreng
- Background Playing features
- Terdapat penunjuk durasi waktu di setiap lagu
- Aplikasi bersifat offline, tidak memerlukan koneksi internet lagi setelah di download
- Tidak boros kuota internet
- Aplikasi gratis
Semoga aplikasi kumpulan lagu Religi Ceng Zamzam ini bisa bermanfaat bagi anda semua masyarakat para pecinta nasyid. Terima kasih.
Ceng Zamzam VOL.1
1. Sholatun
2. Burikhti
3. Azka Taslimi
4. Praise
5. Sholatullah
6. Khoirul Bariyyah
7. Yaa Ala Baitinaby
8. Yes Imamarusli
Ceng Zamzam VOL.2
1. Ya Rasulullah
2. Romadhon
3. Birosulillah
4. Salamun
5. Allahuma Sholi
6. Yaa Allah ya Marhaban
Ceng Zamzam VOL.3
1. Al-Hijrotu
2. Antassalam
3. Antudkhilana
4. Habibi
5. Sholatullahi Dzilkaroomi
6. Yes Asyiqol Musthofa
7. Allah Ya Rabbi
8. Annabi Sholualaih
Application Features:
- The application is simple and easy to use
- Search (to facilitate you find millions of your favorite songs)
- Loading anti lelet fast and do not overload the RAM
- Bass booster and equalizer
- Lyrics
- Multitasking support, Android 6.0 support Marshmallow
- Songs can be used as ringtones, alarms, notifications, etc.
- Songs can be shared to friends via social media
- Songs sholawat complete and thousands of other religious songs
- Quality of HD voice, clear and crisp voice is not shrill
- Background Playing features
- There is a time duration pointer in each track
- The application is offline, does not require an Internet connection once downloaded again
- No wasteful internet quota
- Free app
Hopefully application Ceng Zamzam Religion collection of songs that can be useful for you all communities nasyid lovers. thanks.