About Čarobni trenutki
Čarobni Ujeti trenutek
Profesionalno fotografiranje Čarobni trenutki z vrhunskim fotografom in vrhunsko fotografsko opremo.
POROČNA FOTOGRAFIJA Čarobni Ujeti trenutek
Fotografiranje poroke ni samo rutina, ampak tako kot za mladoporočenca enkraten dogodek, ki ga mora tudi fotograf občutiti v sebi. Tako lahko ovekovečimo spontane in neponovljive trenutke vajinega dne.
Fotografiranje nosečnic na Vašem domu ali v naravi. Fotografiranje nosečnic ustvarijo nepozabne trenutke, ustvariti fotografije nosečnic, ki vedno znova in znova vzamejo dah, prikličejo smeh in solze sreče na obraz
Portretna fotografija se uporablja v zvezi s fotografiranjem ljudi. Seveda podobna pravila kot za slikanje ljudi veljajo tudi za vse ostale možne motive . Pri potretni fotografiji sta zanimiva vsaj dva aspekta. Eden je bolj tehnične narave, drugi pa je bolj vsebinski.
Fotografiranje dogodkov, prireditev, za spletne trgovine in pokrajinska fotografija prireditvam boste s fotografsko zgodbo dali drugačen pridih, ki bo trajal kot spomin še dolgo potem, ko bo prireditev že zdavnaj mimo
Čarobni trenutek
Ujeti trenutek
Happy Moments
Happy Čarobni Ujeti trenutek
Poročna fotografij
Fotografiranje nosečnic
Portretna fotografija
Modna fotografija
Čarobni Ujeti trenutek Za vas ustvarjamo in ohranimo najlepše spomine Magical Moment Caught
Professional photography Magical Moments with top photographers and superior photographic equipment.
Magical wedding photography to capture the moment
Photographing weddings is not just routine, but as for the newlyweds a unique event, which must also feel the photographer in you. Thus, we immortalized spontaneous and unforgettable moments of your wedding day.
Take pictures of pregnant women in your home or in nature. Photographing pregnant create unforgettable moments, to create photos of pregnant women, which again and again breathtaking, evoke laughter and tears of joy on his face
portrait photography
Portrait photography is used in connection with the shooting of people. Of course, similar rules as for imaging humans also apply to all other possible motives. In potretni photos are interesting, at least two aspects. One of the more technical nature, while others are more substantive.
SHOOTING EVENTS Magical Moment Caught
Photography, events, online shops and landscape photography with photographic events will give the story a different touch that will last as a memory until long after the event will be long gone
magical moment
capture the moment
Happy Moments
Happy Magic Moment Caught
wedding photos
photographing pregnant
portrait photography
fashion photography
Magical Catch the moment we create and maintain the best memories