banki by Credit Agricole for Android
The application is working now after CA team communicated through mail to solve the problem. Thanks for the quick response
A user friendly , simple and convenient mobile banking application and with the latest version, my preferred and fastest channel to transact with my bank! Congratulations
I face an issue after registration and when i wrote my activation code i received an error message "Please login to your online banking system to accept the new terms and conditions of the Electronic Banking Service"
I knew about this app from customer service dep. I tried to creat an account in the last page of terms & conditions I try to accept it keeps giving error.....tried to 're install same problem.....very poor
the design is so bad, it's very slow, the context boxes are in to each other which indicates huge and bad programming errors, it work only vertically no horizontal view which is very stupid to me, guys simply put, the app sucks, you need to work more on the programming
One of the worst online banking apps ever....cant be compared to CIB wallet even secure log in is even worse....and cannot be compared to HSBC....lots of bugs & technical errors!!
Update Application is very good and the support team is very helpful and working to solve any raised issue really appreaciated
I got an error while registration after i communicated with Technical support team they called me and solved the issue in no time Thanks and really appreciated
It's a bit slow and there are many steps to do simble functions like paying telecom bills.
too bad app it is slow too much I can't make any transaction always use website
Stupid app, system is always down can't even log in with the correct info!
This app contain alot of issues and bugs I can't pay bills by it
بجد تطبيق ممتاز و بيخدم كل حاجة مش محتاج ترجع لخدمةىالعملاء الا اقل الاستفسارات و سهل فى تعامله جدا و من افضل التطبيقات فى الاونلاين بنك بس هو مشكلته ان بيبقى بطئ فى الاستجابة
The last update is very bad and all new features are not working and application is full of bugs, you do not even give yourself chance to try the update before releasing it what a shame!
Why this app making or using mock location?!! This is doing troubles with some other apps.
Very slow and i have i can't log in my account easily
مش شغال Always have a technical problem
ask for a lot of privilege, like access to memory, files, photos and camera!!!! منصحش بتحمله لانه بيطلب صلاحيات كتيرة جدا ومش المفروض انه يحتاجها. زي الصور والملفات والكاميرا.
The new update is very bad, all the new features added aren't working
The latest update is error. I can't open my credit card balance or make a fawry payment. If you don't know how to make an update don't make it
Since last update the program is not opening, every time i try to open opens the screen for 30 seconds then the application close
So hard steps to create account
تطبيقراكثر من رائع.. التطبيق البنكي الوحيد في مصر بتعرف منه حساباتك.. ومتوفو فيه خدمة فوري... بيعوضك عن المحفظه الذكيه
اجمل بنك فى مصر . سعيد لكونى احد عملائه و حزين على التأخر للانضمام لهذا البنك المحترم
It stop on black screen after splash screen
The last update isn't compatible with samsung note 4 !!!!!
مع الاسف التحديث اوقف عمل التطبيق الرجاء العودة للنسخة القديمة يا ليتني لم احدث التطبيق
Credit and prepaid card not appear
great app thx credit agricole
انتم اسوا بنك تعاملت معه بصراحة. ولما يكون في تحديث لازم ابعت ميل علشان اشغل البرنامج ده منتهي الغباء. عموما انا بنقل كل تعاملاتي لبنوك تانية تحترم العميل بتاعها ودي نصحيتي لكل واحد بيتعامل معاكم.
خدمه ممتازه ودي حاجه متوقعه من بنك كبير
تطبيق بطئ جدا و غير مجدي. حاولت اشغله ٦ مرات و في كل مرة يهنج حتى قبل ما اكمل انشاء حساب عليه. غريبة ان بنك ما يقدرش يروح لشركة محترمة تعمله تطبيق محترم. لكن دا متوقع لان المعاملة كمان في الفرع و في خدمة العملا غير احترافية. لا اوصي بالتطبيق ولا بالبنك
برنامج رائع بس بيهنج اوقات اتمنى سرعه التحديث
التحديث الاخير رائع جداً
This app request root on rooted devices!!!!!!
Doesn't even load beyond the first screen, pointless app.
A bank like CA can't have that low quality app
It is very supportive application and internal transfer is v.good and also fawry is working v.good
Love it but please upgrade yiur poor internet banking.
by U####:
Last update is very very bad. Can't make any payments, can't browse accounts nor cards. No of new features work. Only shows growth balance