About AR Cars
Ar Cars es la app que todo concesionario quisiera tener, puedes ver en ella gracias al poder de la realidad aumentada algunos modelos de coches, pareciendo casi que están ahí delante tuya pudiendo observar incluso el interior de dichos modelos.
Para el uso de esta app es necesario descargar e imprimir o leer el modelo, ya sea en papel o desde otro dispositivo, para ello es necesario descargarlo de http://blueberrydevelop.com/Pages/Software.aspx o pinchando en el botón de información presente en la pantalla de inicio de la app.
Disfruta de estos cochazos gracias a AR Cars.
Página Web: http://blueberrydevelop.com
Modelo: http://blueberrydevelop.com/Pages/Software.aspx
Cars Ar is the app that every dealer would want, you can see it through the power of augmented reality some car models, looking almost that are there in front of you being able to observe even within these models.
To use this app you need to download and print or read the model, either on paper or on another device, this requires http://blueberrydevelop.com/Pages/Software.aspx or download it by clicking on the button information in the home screen of the app.
Enjoy these cochazos by AR Cars.
Website: http://blueberrydevelop.com
Model: http://blueberrydevelop.com/Pages/Software.aspx