About Bellini Bistro
Restaurantul Bellini Bistro din Tineretului, Bucuresti - restaurant cu specific italian, organzeaza evenimente, cine romantice, aniversari, intalniri de afaceri,vizionarea evenimentelor sportive, cu TV, muzica live.
Imbinand eleganta si traditia unor localuri italienesti, vi se ofera un restaurant cochet in care se servesc renumite preparate italienesti de pe meleagurile lui Michelangelo.
STIRI - prezentate in ordine cronologica
MENIU - cele mai bune retete
GALERIE FOTO – lista galerie foto, functii zoom si glisare a fotografiilor
HARTA INTERACTIVA Youth Bistro restaurant Bellini, Bucharest - Italian restaurant, organzeaza events, romantic dinners, anniversaries, business meetings, watching sporting events, TV, live music.
Combining elegance and tradition of Italian restaurants, you are offered a cozy restaurant where Italian cuisine is served in the famous Michelangelo's lands.
NEWS - presented in chronological order
MENU - Best Recipes
Photo Gallery - Photo gallery list, zoom and drag photo
Interactive map