About bed sleeping baby
parents still freely when sleeping, but it has a good level of security is to keep the baby in place in her own bed, but the bed location is still in one room parents. This is a fun and safe solution. But do not forget to clean the room parents of cigarettes, alcohol or drugs.
Election Baby Beds
Here are some tips that you can do in the election of the crib, so the baby can have a comfortable bed, but also safe.
• Choose cots where there is no door pull or not there is the side that can be opened. This keeps your baby so one day later can not open by itself.
• Choose cots of steel instead of iron. Iron feared to have rust and corrosion of course material harmful to a baby salvation. Choose cots with the appropriate size with the age of the baby. Do not be too broad, because it will take indoor rooms and also not too narrow because it can make the baby stress.
• Keep the beds can be in expansion. This means that cots can change shape in terms of size adapted to the age of the baby. This is quite important, because the cots that can be in the expansion is one of the characteristics or features of a quality cots. Of course, this will also save on your costs, because no longer have to buy a crib when your baby grows bigger.
• Choose a crib that has a wheeled foot it is rewarding for parents gar easier to move the crib, but ensure that the foot of the bed on wheels has a strong lock, to prevent cots scroll by themselves without parental consent.
• Keep the beds has a storage area to facilitate parents in taking baby supplies, such as extra blankets, diapers, etc. This is related to the efficiency you as a parent.
• Choose a baby bed that can be set to the position of the mat. While still new babies born a few weeks, the position of the mattress can be set higher, but when the baby can sit, the position of the baby mattress can be lowered, and when the baby can stand, position the mattress can be lowered even lower.
• Choose the size of the premises netting length exceeding rangjang or crib, and jepitlah bottom netting, it is that the baby is completely protected from mosquitoes.
• Distance bars are safe is <6 cm, this is to avoid the baby to avoid pinched at bars.
• In the selection of mattresses, use a mattress with good quality can also be waterproof. But do not choose a mattress that is too soft for mengurangsi syndrome SIDS before, or the baby face goes down accordingly.
• The size of the baby mattress should not be interrupted or the distance with section cots, this is also to avoid the baby or body parts pinched. So, make sure the mattress size really fit with the size of cots.
• Use blankets are made of cotton, not too thin but not too too thick, it is for the baby can sleep comfortably. Both in terms of cotton baby sweat absorption.
• Babies menyukasi one-way movement. So if you can, choose a crib that can be swung, so the baby can sleep comfortably.
• Make sure the bolts that connect cots attached firmly, and check it periodically. It aga cots avoid off by itself due to the activity of the baby.
• Keep cots from the electric outlet or window blinds. So the position cots are not too close to the window