Beşir Atalay for Android
1983'te sosyoloji doçenti oldu. DPT'de Sosyal Planlama Daire Baskanligi görevinde bulundu. 1992'de profesör unvanini aldi. Marmara Üniversitesinde Ögretim Üyeligi, UNESCO'da Türkiye Milli Komisyonu Yönetim Kurulu Üyeligi görevlerini yürüttü. Kirikkale Üniversitesi Kurucu Rektörü olarak görev yapti.
Ankara Sosyal Arastirmalar Merkezinin Koordinatörü olarak çalisti. Çesitli kitap, makale ve tebligleri yayinlandi. 22 ve 23. Dönemde Ankara Milletvekili seçildi. 58 ve 59. Hükümetlerde Devlet Bakanligi, 60. Hükümette Içisleri Bakanligi yapti. 61. Hükümette Basbakan Yardimciligi görevine getirildi. Ingilizce bilen Atalay, evli ve 3 çocuk babasidir.
Besim Atalay April 1, 1947, Sharp was born in Kirikkale. The name of his father Jack, mother's name is Memduha. Sociologist and Professor of Faculty Members. Dr..; Graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Law. Master's and doctoral completed in Erzurum Ataturk University Faculty of Business Administration. Erzurum Ataturk University faculty member did it. As a faculty member at the University of Michigan USA Visitors found.Was an assistant professor of sociology in 1983. DPT has served as the Social Planning Department. Received the title of professor in 1992. Teaching at Marmara University Member, National Commission for UNESCO in Turkey has served as a Board Member. Kirikkale served as the Founding Rector of the University.
Ankara has worked as Coordinator of the Center of Social Investigations. Various books, articles and notices were published. 22 and 23 Ankara was elected deputy in the period. 58 and 59 The Government of the State Department, 60 Ministry of Internal Affairs in the government did it. 61 Was appointed Vice Prime Minister in the government. Atalay, who speaks English, is married and the father of three children.