Aneka Resep Kue Kering Lengkap for Android
Kue kering adalah makanan ringan yang bukan makanan utama. Secara harafiah kue seringkali diartikan sebagai makanan ringan yang dibuat dari tepung. Baik tepung beras maupun terigu.
Roti tidaklah selalu sama dengan kue, sebab di Indonesia kadangkala roti dianggap sebagai makanan utama
Pastries is a term often used for the cake but crisp texture firm that has a very low water content because it made its way in the oven. Pastries has a long durability, materials commonly used utuk manufacture of pastries including rice flour, glutinous rice flour, wheat or corn, pastries oven usually called cookies.Pastries are a snack that is not the main meal. Literally cake is often interpreted as a snack food made from flour. Both rice and wheat flour.
The bread is not always the same as the cake, because in Indonesia is sometimes regarded as a main meal bread