About Acupuncture Techniques
One is acupuncture, a traditional Chinese therapy that has existed since more than 3,500 years ago. There are several types of acupuncture
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The belief of how acupuncture is that there is energy in our body, called Qi. This energy circulates in our body from top to bottom and flows through pathways called meridians.
These meridians connect every organ of the body and when you are healthy, energy will flow freely. However, when the energy flow is disrupted by injury or illness, he will produce pain. Therefore, acupuncture works to eliminate interference with the flow of Qi and started the recovery process.
The process involves the use of treatment with acupuncture needles are very thin. A minimum of three and a maximum of 20 needles needle, our body-'tusuk 'in some point as a treatment step. The number of needles is not arbitrary because it depends on what disease you're idap.
Pricking with needles stimulate the nervous system to release chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord, to the brain. These chemical substances can reduce pain and stimulate the release of other chemicals and hormones that affect other existing regulatory system in our body.
Through acupuncture treatment session usually lasts for one hour. Patient enough to lie on the bed while listening to soft music that creates a relaxing atmosphere.
Various techniques were also added to improve the treatment of diseases and if a patient feels a sensation of electrical shock, meaning there are indications the healing of disease. Quoted from the health portal Health Aim, on Tuesday (12/15/2015) then, clinical studies have shown that acupuncture can rejuvenate the endocrine and nervous system of patients as well as to make anti-inflammatory response (inflammation).
In addition, acupuncture can treat back pain, neck pain, postoperative pain, digestive problems, menstrual irregularities, allergies, insomnia, and various other aches and pains.
Although acupuncture and other traditional medicine can help cure some diseases, Western medicine still can not be abandoned. The best way to get relief is to use both the treatment system to seimbang.Acupuncture.
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