亞太電信X活動 for Android
您知道嗎? 在這夾鏈袋當中還藏有個秘密,三步驟打開這秘密的鎖:
第一步: 將您的手機(必須要是Android作業系統)打開Google Play
第二步: 搜尋名稱為”A+亞太電信x活動”的APP,找到APP之後下載。
第三步: 下載完成後並執行,把鏡頭正對著夾鏈袋正面的圖案。
Did you know that in this zipper bag which is also in possession of a secret, the secret of the three steps to open the lock?:
Step One: Connect your phone (Android operating system, if necessary) to open Google Play
Step Two: Find the name of "A + x APT activities" APP, APP found after downloading.
The third step: after the download is complete and execute, the lens facing the front zipper bag pattern.
Then, you will see an extra surprise Oh ......