About CSS EBook
Free EBook on Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
CSS, or cascading style sheets, are used to describe the visual style and presentation of a document, most commonly web sites. One of the purposes of CSS is to separate the presentation of a document from the structure and content (although it is possible to embed CSS within the structure as well), and is a W3C recommendation. Separation of style from structure and content increases maintainability for the author(s) of a document as well as accessibility for the audience. CSS is commonly applied to HTML, XHTML and XML documents, though it is possible, albeit rare, to apply it to other types of documents as well.
CSS is one way of describing the "style" -- the colors, fonts, layout, and other "presentation" aspects of a document. A single CSS file can describe a common "style" to be applied to many HTML, XHTML, and XML documents (which describe the content and structure of the elements of each document). Typically a particular element in a XHTML file has a "cascade" of CSS style rules that can be applied to it. The highest priority style rule is applied to each element.
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