About Compass Theremin
The Compass Theremin is a sensor-based music instrument which uses readings from your phone's gyroscope (compass sensor), to control the pitch of a synth oscillator.
Simply put - to play this instrument you hold your phone and turn it around in different directions, or alternatively hold it in one direction and turn around yourself.
It's as fun as it sounds and you'll get the hang of it very quickly.
You can choose between different scales, attack / release times, wave forms, and vibrato amounts.
♬ Choose one of five different scales (detailed below)
♬ Choose between three different wave forms - Sin, Triangle and Saw
♬ Choose envelope's attack and release time
♬ Choose vibrato amount
♬ Choose how to divide your circle; how many degrees it takes to change a note
♬ Turn around in circles to create your music!
Chromatic: C4, C#4, D4, D#4, E4, F4, F#4, G4, G#4, A4, A#4, B4, C5
Blues: C4, Eb4, F4, Gb4, G4, Bb4, C5, Eb5, C5, Bb4, G4, Gb4, F4
Chopin: B3, Bb3, B3, E4, B4, G4, E4, D#4, E4, G4, E5, B4, G4
Debussy: E3, G3, C4, E4, G4, A4, B4, F#4, D4, B3, F#3, D3, C3
iLyich: C4, E4, G#4, B4, D#5, G5, F#5, D#5, B4, G4, F#4, E4, D#4
This is part of a trilogy of apps that allow the user to create music based on Android sensors - completely touch-free.
The other iLyich Games' theremins available for free on Google Play are:
* Light Theremin - Frequency is influenced by the amount of ambient light.
* Motion Theremin - Tilt your phone up and down to control the frequency, and sideways to affect the volume
To make it all happen, the compass theremin uses the following libraries:
★ T "timbre.js" - Synthesis
★ Insomnia - Keeping the device awake
★ cordova-plugin-device-orientation - Getting compass sensor readings
★ Teoria.js - Easily converting tones to frequencies
★ Phaser.js - GUI
Have fun!
This is a full featured - no freemium, in-app purchases, intrusive ads etc, so please rate if you like!
Instagram - Johnny_Tal
Twitter - @Johnny_Tal
YouTube - https://goo.gl/Wcm8io