AdventureBuddy Fishing for Android
Very nice
Request for way too much personal information
Love it
Am subscribed but not registered on phone and keep asking to subscribe
Baie goed
Nice app but not a nice price R30.00 pm / R300 pa for info that is freely available all over Facebook..... Iam not convinced that this premium is worth it. Let's see what the free trial period holds
Really like this one.
Warn people app is not free
I thought the app was free deleted it
Kak app!!
It keeps on telling me invalid email address if tried 2 different ones?
Betaal vir inligting wat verniet is. Baiebeter apps beskikbaar
Great app!!
Unable to register or to login....
You cannot advertise something as "FREE" if it isn't. Useless app if you don't subscribe. No warning regarding in app purchase as well. You are wasting peoples' data. Deleted the app straight away. And I don't care what was written in the description, because the Play Store is for Apps not clubs. So if the app costs money you have to show the price or warn consumers of in app purchases.
Volgens julle kry n mens 30 dae om die app tetoets!! 1 dag toe vra die app my bank besonderhede!! Not nice!!
Wat n great app
Warn us beforehand. Underhanded tactic
Best one ever
Don't waist your data on this crappy app!
It was fun but only for one day then they ask for money it is not worth it rather get n magazine cheaper
you guys dont worn us that nothing is going to work unless you pay first. Deleted it right after I downloaded it.
Het nie eers weskaap nie...
Baie nice
Wie koop hengeltydskrifte??? Jy kan in geen hengeltydskrif soveel informasie kry nie!! Geen hengelaar kan sonder die app klaarkom nie!! Beste fishing app ooit! Dankie julle!
Nice app but not a nice price R30.00 pm / R300 pa for info that is freely available all over Facebook..... Iam not convinced that this premium is worth it. Let's see what the free trial period holds
Does not accept my email address.
Really like this one.
Only 1 out of 6 menu options works. For the rest you need to be a paid member.
If u not willing to pay a subscription fee for this app don't bother wasting ur data to download it.
by R####:
Die app werk nie en kan nou ook nie inlock nie