
StreetLink Free App

Rated 2.83/5 (84) —  Free Android application by Homeless Link

About StreetLink

Anyone can become homeless, and sleeping rough is not only dangerous but can also have a long-term detrimental effect on your health. When members of the public see people sleeping on the streets they very often want to be able to help them but are often unsure of the best way to do this. The StreetLink mobile app StreetLink uses people who care, to connect people who need help, with those that can help them by enabling members of the public to alert local authorities and street outreach services in England and Wales about people they have seen sleeping rough. It is the first step you can take to ensure rough sleepers are connected to the local services and support available to them.

StreetLink is an innovative platform to engage the public in addressing a significant social issue. We use technology to take alerts about people sleeping rough, geo-code the data and relay the alert information to the closest local authority or services to the location that the person has been seen sleeping rough in to help them find the person on the streets and offer support.

The longer someone sleeps rough, the greater the risk that they will be become trapped on the streets and vulnerable to becoming a victim of crime, developing drug or alcohol problems, or experiencing problems with their health.

People who are sleeping rough may not be known to local services because they remain out of sight, bedding down at different times of night, and moving from place to place. Most people do not seek help and advice before sleeping rough and not all rough sleepers are aware of the advice and support available to them.

By using this app to alert us about a rough sleeper you’ll help connect that person to the local services available to help them and potentially provide the first step for someone towards a life away from the streets.

How to Download / Install

Download and install StreetLink version 2.0.0 on your Android device!
Downloaded 10,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package:, download StreetLink.apk

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Android app

App History & Updates

What's Changed
Improved geolocation and mapping functionality
Addition of Welsh area coverage
List of alternative routes to support
Version update StreetLink was updated to version 2.0.0
Version update StreetLink was updated to version 1.7.0
More downloads  StreetLink reached 10 000 - 50 000 downloads
More downloads  StreetLink reached 1 000 - 5 000 downloads

What are users saying about StreetLink

by T####:

Pointless! What's the point of listing Council Offices, they offer no help, they're useless and there only intention is to get you out of the building with useless paper. I suppose someone could wipe there ass in it! This app offers no help, I'll help in my own way! Waste of time and space!

by T####:

I'm disgusted with this app and how it doesn't help. All replies are automated telling you the person has been found and contacted... when in reality they haven't. I've become friendly with the local homeless that I reported on the app and not one of them have been contacted by an outreach worker. The report may get sent to the outreach team in that area but they seem to do nothing with that information. Don't reply saying the person has been helped when you have no idea that they truly have!

by T####:

Why are pop up ads appearing on my phone since installing it. I'll be u installing it immediately. Shame because living in an area of alot of rough sleepers I could have perhaps helped a great deal of people

by T####:

Decided against using this app as it requests access to do "anything on my behalf", on my phone. I'll use the website instead. Shame as the app would make it so much easier to provide notifications of the homeless. Update the app to limit access to my details and phone and I'll happily download and use it.

by T####:

I think I'll stick with using the website. After logging in via the app, I was asked for permission for the app to access my basic information (erm... well, ok), to access it via the web (hold on, feeling iffy), access and manage my data (exactly WHAT data?? It's not saying) and to perform requests on my behalf at anytime.... OK ENOUGH!! You might have said: "give me your credit card numbers... y'know... for reasons... trust us... we'll be really honest, guv). Uninstalling...

by T####:

An excellent idea and opportunity to help do something positive, I'm so disappointed that this app is broken and won't work. I couldn't even get to register as I kept getting the email/password error message. A word of advice for the devs who made this app DON'T go onto national TV promoting your app before you are 100%sure it works.PLEASE fix this as you have an excellent and life saving app here, there are very few app's that can genuinely say this

by A####:

Shame it didn't work properly and requests way too much access to my data. Password seems to require a capital and a number. If you don't enter these, the password field just goes blank with no message.

by T####:

Great idea..doesn't work. Tried several times to load on phone running Android 5.1 and it simply stalls on "building program"

by T####:

To much personal details required, we just need to tell where we have seen someone sleeping rough in this freezing cold weather. They need help right now, and we do not want our details sold on to other bodies.

by Y####:

It's doesn't work, tried downloading lots of times, what a shame! this would of been fantastic...

by T####:

Doesn't work. It won't accept a password. Tried 6 times. A shame because this is a great idea.

by T####:

I can't even register to get started! I fill in my name, email and password, press register and it asks for password again continuously.

by H####:

Ask to register then fails to load a webpane, so useless.

by T####:

Does not let you register. A real shame as thought this was a great idea to help homeless people on our streets.

by W####:

Great idea. Please make it work in Scotland though!

by P####:

Great app since the update. Well done.

by T####:

Cannot use due to authorization issues at their end - such a shame as it's a great idea!

by T####:

You want me to create an account?

by T####:

Look and feels great. Much improved. Well done.

by Q####:

It doesn't work

by T####:

Cannot access map or site

by E####:

Won't accept my password. Great idea though

by T####:

this updated app is so much easier to use

by T####:

Greta idea

by N####:

Really buggy so it barely works to submit the info on time anyway. When it does work the reply comes a couple of days later, by which point those who need our help have moved on. Not impressed. It's freezing out there

by T####:

A valuable app, badly done and rarely updated. Reporting someone homeless takes endless data entry and it isn't practical. This app should and must be better.

by T####:

You don't need to save your profile, it automatically saves it when you press back :-D

by E####:

Easy and quick to use... But why does it ask/need to know my phone contacts and access to gallery when it needs to update ?

by X####:

It's not the best app or most user friendly but it does the most important thing and that is alerting volunteers to whereabouts of a person in need.

by T####:

Pure hatred, Any human has the right to sleep. Scumbag comments.

by T####:

This is the first time I've used this app and there were no problems. Mostly I'm delighted that such an app exists and that people are trying to help ????

by B####:

Well done to the team behind this app and the idea behind it. Regardless of what others have said, this is brilliant and I hope it helps people.

by K####:

Could not submit the report. Should not have to fill in so many details. This is central London I'm talking about, it's not like there's a shortage of homeless people. Regardless of that it was not possible to submit. Make it quick and simple (and make it work) and people might use it.

by N####:

No option to save profile details, some pages don't work. Sorry, but this could help people if only you got it right!

by T####:

I did not have the problems other users described. My profile was automatically saved when I pressed the back button, and someone from StreetLink called me for more information not too long after I submitted the report. Great to know they are active.

by K####:

Good way to report rough sleepers. A little clunky though.

by M####:

After using auto location and trying to submit I'm still prompted to enter a location. As a result, cannot get pass location screen.

by N####:

Problem with the main page where the button to notify disappears.

by K####:

No option to save profile on launch screen so can't use, please fix!

by Q####:

Some pages don't work when trying to load them.

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84 users







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