BBFC for Android
I use to like it but I don't know what the developer was thinking with the new update. Nowhere to search! Seriously?
Utterly useless since update, can't even search for titles anymore. Uninstalled
What happened to the search facility? Used to be a great app for getting details of past movies for checking before getting on DVD.
Used to be great but now it keeps crashing. Only a reinstall will make it work again. But then in subsequent uses crashes again.
What the hell happened? Search is gone and the refresh thing shows up with the slightest swiping down and in the "About" section it keeps "circling", never stops and you can't touch anywhere else! I had to downgrade it to the previous version.
Parts of the app crash. Sent feedback dozen times and no response or fix
Need a section for gaming not just Movies & DVD's. Also the descriptions and age ratings completely contradict eachother
If you wanna be safe rather than sorry, in your entertainment choices, this is the app.
It gives the rating and details of actors and directors which is great. But the app has gone from being tiny to 52mb and it wont move to the external storage. So as I don't use it so much now I'll delete it and access their website instead. Thanks for the previous version.
Overhauled and looks better. When you look at an item and exit, you're dumped back at the start, why? I want to remain where I was, especially having had to scroll all the way to get there! But, hurrah, the search tool is back. Spoke too soon, it crashes every time in use
Used to be really helpful in deciding what films were suitable for my daughter. Crashed sometimes, and suffered from too much information (entries for the film, DVD, trailer, making of, featurettes, etc etc), but it had a purpose. Now only see about 50 titles (current cinema releases?) with no way to access info for old films/DVDs that I can find. Totally useless, sorry. [Reply to BBFC's reply: it's not that I couldn't find the search, it doesn't work. I can't, for instance, look up La La Land. Maybe you heard of it? It was quite well received.]
Crashing fixed! Useful.
I write this as an American fascinated by your classification system. The overhaul looks great, but without the search function the application completely scuttles it's charm and the majority of it's functionality. I want to be able to know whether what I am watching is classified U - 18, I want to be able to perform the search on my phone, and I want to know why they are classified U - 18. With only current releases available at the moment, the functionality for home viewing regarding films long out of theaters is non-existent. Additionally the real long-standing problem that continues to be constant is that the application crashes easily. With the new look in hand, that does not seem to have been fixed.
Still some tweaks to be done (the occasional crash here and there), but this version is nearly up to standard.
Useful app for being sure about film classifications, because the tv guides dont note it in their descriptions.
App works well but it is about time for an update and a material design refresh
Keeps crashing everytime the app opens
App seems to crash very constantly
It is what it is. It's a lot more basic then the actual website. Sorry to say, I won't be using again.
always crashes. have to clear data to get it to work.
I use this tool regularly to decide on suitable viewing for my two young kids. The Insight sections are very informative.
Rendered practically useless since Lollipop update
Crashes every time I open it
Need a section for gaming not just Movies & DVD's. Also the descriptions and age ratings completely contradict eachother
Reported several times but has not seen any improvement.
This app worked well till fairly recently where it literally doesn't try to do anything, then crashes
This is a great way to get the information you need on what a film is classified as and what it contains.
Yep agreed, does exactly what it's meant to do... informative and the information is structured very well.
Extremely useful. Kermode uses it. No better recommendation.
Does what it says on the tin, nice and clear listings. Good stuff
Good and informative.
Very concise and easy to navigate . Seems to cover information about most films I searched for
Looks really useful but no use to me if I can't run it from the SD card - I'll reinstall if/when I can...
... And when you want to know which swear words are in a film :)
Useful and informative. Well presented app too.
It gives the rating and details of actors and directors which is great for a film geek like me. Best of all though the Insight button gives details of any swear words used and violence shown so you can judge if it is suitable for your child. Especially good when trying to decide about a 12a film - they vary a lot!
Uninstalled, won't ever load after the first time used.
Well worth the download. Keeps you up to date on what's being released in the UK.
by D####:
Ah good the search feature is back :)