살아있다-3D 극지방동물 I

살아있다-3D 극지방동물 I$2.90

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About 살아있다-3D 극지방동물 I

"Alive-3D Polar Animals I"
"Let’s look for North Pole and South Pole region Animals."

★ "3D 극지방동물 I"은 유아(6개월 이후)부터 초등학생에 맞춰진 3D학습 교육 앱(App)입니다. 또한 학부모님을 포함한 유치원 선생님과 초등학교 선생님께서 유아 및 학생들에게 가상의 체험을 통하여 극지방동물을 3D로 관찰 학습을 할 수 있도록 제작되었습니다.

3D Polar Animals I is learning educational 3D App, which oriented for children where 6 month children to elementary students. Also it has been produced for observation to learn Polar region animal where parent or teachers can teach them in 3D imaginary Animal.

★ "3D 극지방동물 I"은 3D를 활용하여 극지방 동물을 여러 방향에서 볼 수 있습니다. 보다 현실감있는 북극곰,펭귄,고래들을 가상 체험하고 학습할 수 있도록 설계 되었습니다.

3D Polar Animal I use the 3D in practical so users can see the Polar region animals in various direction. Designed as learning with realistic virtual experienced Polar Bear, Penguin, and Whale.

★ 반복되는 학습 효과와 생동감 있는 3D 콘텐츠로 인하여 유아에게는 말트임 현상과 사물 인지 능력을 높여주며, 기본적인 색깔구별을 실현토록 제작되었으며, 초등학생들에게는 현실감 있는 효과음과 한국어,영어 전문 성우 나레이션을 통하여 학습효과를 높여줍니다.

By Repeated learning effect and lifelike 3D contents for young age children upgrade the speaking phenomenon and object cognitive developmental, it has designed to realize the basic color distinction. For elementary students realistic sound with expert voice actor in Korean and English will help their learning effect.

"3D 극지방 동물 I"의 기능 (Function of 3D Polar Animals)

✓ 상세 정보 : 총 11종의 범용적인 극지방 동물(북극곰,펭귄,고래등)들을 3D로 표현했으며, 각 동물들의 주요 특징들을 한글과 영어권의 전문 성우의 나레이션과 함께 글로서 설명 하고 있습니다.

Detail Information : Total 11 common species of Polar Animals (Polar Bear, Penguin, Whale etc) expressed by 3D, and each animals main feature is explained by expert voice actors narration in Korean and English with word explanation

✓ 빙하섬 위에 있는 동물을 터치하게 되면 각 동물들의 움직이는 애니메이션을 즐길 수 있습니다.

Enjoy moving animation by touching animals on the glacier island.

✓ OX 스피드 퀴즈 : 앱(App)에서 체험한 정보들을 활용해 각 동물들의 OX 스피드 퀴즈를 풀 수 있으며 자연스럽게 학습을 유도합니다.

OX Speed Quiz : With the informations which experienced from the application solve an each animals OX speed quiz and this lead to learning naturally.

★ 갖가지 교육적 특징을 가지고 있는 11종의 극지방 동물들을 만나봅시다!

Let’s met the 11 kinds of animals which have various kinds of educational characteristics!
개발자 연락처 :
010-8609-4597 "Alive-3D Polar Animals I"
"Let's look for North Pole and South Pole region Animals."

★ "3D polar animals I" is an infant (6 months later) 3D learning from educational app geared to elementary school (App). It also designed the polar animals kindergarten teachers and elementary school teachers, including parents through the virtual experience to children and students to learn to observe in 3D.

3D Polar Animals I is learning educational 3D App, which oriented for children where 6 month children to elementary students. Also it has been produced for observation to learn Polar region animal where parent or teachers can teach them in 3D imaginary Animal.
★ "3D polar animals I" can see a polar animals in different directions by utilizing 3D. More realistic polar bears, penguins, whales have been designed to be the virtual experience and learning.

3D Polar Animal I use the 3D in practical so users can see the Polar region animals in various direction. Designed as learning with realistic virtual experienced Polar Bear, Penguin, and Whale.

★ enhances repetitive learning and infants in the end due to lively 3D content teuim cognitive phenomena and things, were making ever realize the basic colors distinguish, for realistic sound effects and Korean elementary school students in learning English through professional voice narration It enhances the effect.

By Repeated learning effect and lifelike 3D contents for young age children upgrade the speaking phenomenon and object cognitive developmental, it has designed to realize the basic color distinction. For elementary students realistic sound with expert voice actor in Korean and English will help their learning effect.

Features of the "3D polar animals I" (Function of 3D Polar Animals)

✓ Further information: the total was represented by 11 species of 3D generic polar animals (polar bear, penguin, goraedeung), the main features of each animal with Hangul and English-speaking and the narration of professional voice actors as the article explains.

Detail Information: Total 11 common species of Polar Animals (Polar Bear, Penguin, Whale etc) expressed by 3D, and each animals main feature is explained by expert voice actors narration in Korean and English with word explanation

✓ When touching the animal on the ice island can enjoy a moving animation of each animal.

Enjoy moving animation by touching animals on the glacier island.

Speed ​​✓ OX Quiz: App (App) can utilize the information in one experience the full speed OX quiz of each animal and it naturally leads to learning.

OX Speed ​​Quiz: With the informations which experienced from the application solve an each animals OX speed quiz and this lead to learning naturally.

★ Meet the animals of 11 species in polar regions have various educational features!

Let's met the 11 kinds of animals which have various kinds of educational characteristics!

How to Download / Install

Download and install 살아있다-3D 극지방동물 I version 1.0 on your Android device!
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Android package: co.kr.VUiDEA.PolarCreature1, download 살아있다-3D 극지방동물 I.apk

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