YesBoss for Android
YesBoss can help you to order food delivery, hail ojek or taxi, book transportations like flight or train with the best price, make hotel or restaurant reservations, buy movie or other entertainment tickets, shop stuff online or offline, send documents and packages, find useful information from any directory, give recommendations, and a lot more of things that any personal assistant can do through text.
You can use YesBoss service for free without any additional charges so that you only have to pay for the requested product or service. It covers cash on delivery, bank transfer, also credit card. Worry not because YesBoss is a verified partner of Veritrans payment gateway to provide security and convenience while using credit card. YesBoss will not store any credit card information, so it is 100% safe.
The operational working hour of YesBoss is 07:00 to 23:00 WIB (UTC/GMT +7) including weekends and holidays, and this service is accessible throughout Indonesia. Your personal assistant can handle almost every online inquiries, however offline services will be depending on the availability of requested product or service providers in the demanded area.
Ready to make your life easier, Boss? Download now and get your own personal assistant!
Whoever made this app is a super brilliant man! This is the most helpful app after GOJEK and UBER
tidak bisa terkoneksi, bad UI karena tombol try again bertabrakan dgn tombol home. Fix it and i'll change the rate
Saat-saat darurat, yesboss sangat bisa diandalkan. Mudah dan cepat
Ga nyambung
Sangat membantu
Slow respond
Would be better if the operational time can be extended and developed with fast response as well. Anyway, thank you for your help, keep it up! :)
Oh what would i do without Diana, my personal assistant. Been waiting for this app for so long!
Simple and usefull. Good job dev!
Start up terbaiiik yg pernah ada
Mantap. Sangat membantu. Thanks assisten tasha.
Kudos YesBoss! Nice one!
Very helpfull
I've used yesboss for a long time since yesboss only working with SMS. My virtual assistant is Nindy :) She helped me a lot. I hope I can join internship in yesboss like my friend do
It has slow respon. But it's pretty good app, you shouldn't have to download many apps. Only in one touch.
Wow YesBoss so much helping for saving my time.
tolong diperpanjang ya waktu servisnya agar bisa 24 jam! thanks!
Akhirnya yang ditunggu2 datang juga..aplikasi yang bakal sukses karena sangat membantu :)
Pancen oyee
Waktu yg ada bisa dimanfaatkan sebaik mungkin
Awesome! This apps oke punya
You're very helpful, love you Clara!
Yesboss could help you to do anything, as long as it's legal :))
This app is so helpful! From a to z, our request can be provided by the app so perfect!
Dulu kontak2an sm Cindy, via sms. Skrg ada apps-nya, bs kirim foto barang yg kita mau. Keren bgt dech, ga ada asisten pribadi virtual laen yg bs gantiin YesBoss.
Sekarang ga perlu lagi keluar pulsa untuk menghubungi asisten pribadi kita. Semua menjadi lebih mudah dengan YesBoss. Terima kasih YesBoss.
Belum ada layanan secanggih ini di Indonesia. Kereeeeen!!
Cocok buat yg mager atau yg super sibuk.
Meski kadang dia lelaki
Very helpful
by N####:
Mempunyai assisten tasha sangat membantu walau kurang cepat membalas tp sangat membantu