Happy5 Culture for Android
Great app for company, share your moods, give a recognition and value to each other. Significantly lift ups your team productivity.
Semoga semakin jaya !!
Setelah refresh timeline, pasti tidak semua post ditampilkan dengan benar. Setelah refresh, aplikasi menampilkan 2-5 recent post, kemudian dibawah nya post dari beberapa hari yang sebelumnya bahkan sampai seminggu sebelumnya.
Level up!
good ui
Notifikasi udah dibaca, tapi tetep muncul seakan belum pernah dibaca. Bahkan udah di "Mark all as read", tetep aja hasilnya. Ditunggu update nya yaa. Saya pake di Android 6
this app will change the way your organization work. work and home will have no more boundaries, all ideas can be shared 24h / 7d with photos and comments.
Helps me manage the shop condition remotely, in real-time!
this is wow
Keep using and keep sharing...!!
I've tried 3 different email and still failed to sign up
Cant sign up
Where's the support team? Why is no one responding to the Q's here..
It said incorrect email address or invitation code, should i get invitation first or something to use this app?
Good UI
Always failed to signing up
Aplikasi masih belum sempurna, sering kali antara foto dan nama member tertukar secara random, aplikasi ga bisa dijalankan karena selalu tertutup otomatis dalam hitungan detik, meski sudah di reinstall tetap sama hasilnya.
Njajal dipit layaa
The best HR apps
by F####:
Nice app for my work place