About 简易歇后语
这是一款以简洁明了的方式制作的娱乐应用软件,共收录了14000多个条目,内容齐全,界面简洁美观,手势翻页,交互友好,给你一个良好的阅读享受,关键是还支持收藏和分享功能哦!传承中华文化,逗你一乐,一起来玩吧! This is a production of entertainment software applications in a clear and concise manner, a collection of more than 14,000 entries, complete content, the interface is simple and beautiful, gestures next page, interactive and friendly and give you a good reading enjoyment, the key is also support collection and share function! Tradition of Chinese culture, to tease you a music together and play!