About 乐享病例
乐享病例App是“2015β受体阻滞剂病例荟”的官方移动平台,项目由中国健康促进与教育协会主办,阿斯利康制药有限公司协作实施,提供分享使用β受体阻滞剂经验的平台,实现心血管领域临床医生用药经验的共享,着力为您打造最专业,最实用的β受体阻滞剂病例库。 Fun in cases App is "2015β blocker Hui cases," the official mobile platform, the project by the China Association of Health Promotion and Education, AstraZeneca collaborative implementation, provide shared experiences using β-blockers platform, clinicians medication sharing of experiences in the cardiovascular field, focus for you to create the most professional, most practical cases β-blockers library.