About My 小遣い帳
⑥日計、月計、年計機能もありますので、簡単に毎日どのぐらい出費がありましたか、毎月どのぐらい給料、現金支出、カード支出、残高など発生したか、My 小遣い帳は簡単に教えてくれます。しかも、月別にデータ色も違いますので、分かりやすいです。
ご利用ありがとうございます。My 小遣い帳があなたの生活のアシスタントになれるよう、次々に更新して行きます。 Have you ever forget where it may do with money?
Will it does not seem household account book and stinking face, etc.?
Do you not want is absolutely self-explanatory book allowance?
Because it is the ability to fill in the data ① simple, touch, touch is easy.
Frequently used items ②, so I gather, even without subdividing, you can fill out.
If items that are not aligned ③, give it a name of your choice.
If you have been removed by mistake the data of ④ before, I'm in trouble. In order to prevent this, it is not re-enter each item field data of recent information, and limits delete operation so as not to proceed.
> Item fuzzy search - -> revenue -> cash - in the> card spending, on you indicate items only, you can search day search ⑤ search function.
Because there ⑥ daily total, monthly total, and annual total function, or there was a spending how much every day easily, salary, cash, card spending, balance and have occurred how much each month, tell me briefly My pocket money book he gives. In addition, data color because different by month, I am easy to understand.
Thanks!. My pocket money so that the book can become the assistant of your life, I will continue to update one after the other.