About MEA Cloud Computers
Turn your smartphone into a client device for a free computer system that enhances your device with a secondary operating system and cloud hardware
Imagine Virtual Cloud Desktop streamed over the Internet on bring-your-own device!
Unlike other cloud services, with MEA you host not only your files, but computing power and the operating system.
Further, MEA is a state-of-the-art Web 3.0 application labelled Software-as-Hardware.
MEA app provides access to hosted virtual desktops. This service is aimed at geeks, college students, futurists, travelers, Internet enthusiasts, gamers, and dreamers.
If you are not afraid to try the latest trends in computer industry, if you see the world a bright and more advanced place in the future, then MEA is your next favorite app! It's not every day you find a system that paves the way for Internet Revolution and changes the very way we use computers.
When humanity connected to the Internet we've exposed ourselves to viruses, cyberattacks and malware. When you're on MEA you are protected by 256-bit SSL encryption, freshly patched operating system (Linux based!), a VPN tunnel and a number of secret measures that are sure to surprise any hacker. In short, MEA is more secure than anything else you connect to the Internet.
At this time only MEA Newbie edition is available.
MEA Newbie is a free computer. This is our dream to create a completely free desktop. Good for Web, creativity, studying and freedom.
This is a public computer shared by the dreamers, the young, and the people from developing countries.
System specifications:
OS: MEAOS Newbie
Processor: 1 vCPU
RAM memory: 1GB
Disk Space: 20GB
Price: FREE
Included with a MEA cloud computer you are getting an average of 600 Mb/s up and down Internet speed. Fiber optic Internet is an underused technology that provides connections ten times faster that common DSL high-speed Internet. Only a few cities have fiber optic Internet service.
by D####:
Very cool idea, but the controls aren't very good