Tiny Utils for Android
wget in this package works well
Please Make GNU_Quake installer and Quake Add ons like Urban-T we would pay $2 or 99-uk-Pence to play the worlds best 1st person Game and all the Quake Add ONs. PLEASE anyone Reading this Review install thease APPs you Do NOT need to Root your phone and you get a Windows style Linux Experience. 5-STARs Apps. Well done to the HERO developer.
Really good so far. Bash scripts renaming hundreds of files with Perl regex on a wildfire s!
don't need to root your device to have access to many standard nix tools!
I had been hoping to use the microperl here to install TeXLive, but that doesn't seem possible; it seems to be able to load Perl modules, but building them on the device seems to require modules which it cannot, of course, build (or download, for that matter, since it does not seem to have CPAN access of any description) -- a chicken and egg conundrum. Otherwise it seems decent, but I'd hope for cpanm or something like that...or simply an option to install TeXLive directly, for that matter. (It's probably too large to install by default, of course.)
Everything you could ever want!
wget in this package works well
don't need to root your device to have access to many standard nix tools!
Ssh not working on Tiny Utils. It works on other free terminal apps.
Really good so far. Bash scripts renaming hundreds of files with Perl regex on a wildfire s!
This utility can appear understated but if you've used Linux or Unix then the commands on offer do really offer potential. ls, ps, pwd, cd, vi, ed, awl, sed perl. A phone is not the best medium for an interactive program run so the availabilty of awk, sed and perl offer the efficient prospect of writing a script. placing your data in areadable file and running. I've always preferred awk to perl and have run a couple of test scripts on test data and works brilliantly. Also useful to check running processes a
This makes my smartphone a useful Linux machine. I also use the implementation of Octave for Android and Addi a lot. Keep it up!
Please(!) add some basic docu, as functions are too many to remember what's inside. Then I'll give it 4 or 5 stars.
... without needing root. Awesome.
Great app for remote ssh
Yet again you provide useful tools for non-rooted users. Thanks a million. My only complaint so far is that some of the more basic functionalities of vi are missing (like u, the :g ex command, ...). I highly recommend the MessagEase keyboard for using these tools (and the terminal in general).
Needs More directions
Well, not yet but almost!
Useful utilities
Truly unleashes the hidden power of your phone and gives you total control. And no root access required! Can't beat that.
Great app for remote ssh
Tiny Utils - truly understated This utility can appear understated but if you've used Linux or Unix then the commands on offer do really offer potential. ls, ps, pwd, cd, vi, ed, awl, sed perl. A phone is not the best medium for an interactive program run so the availabilty of awk, sed and perl offer the efficient prospect of writing a script. placing your data in areadable file and running. I've always preferred awk to perl and have run a couple of test scripts on test data and works brilliantly. Also useful to check running processes and what is on the phone. The classic vi editor is available with use of special keys which can be looked up on the special keys option under the menu. Its not a criticism as within the limits i=of the phone and the classic way vi works special keys are unavoidable but I use tiny utils inconjunction with TED.
a great way to get shell utils ... ... without needing root. Awesome.
Useful utilities
Tinybuntu! Well, not yet but almost!
Amazing Truly unleashes the hidden power of your phone and gives you total control. And no root access required! Can't beat that.
by S####:
please, let as `apt-get install' for: mc - vim(nox) - qmv - ...