myCSS for Android
Stopped working after upgrade to Android 7. Just can't register device. Registration goes as far as the last screen and then complete button is just not working.
Great and functional!
Bei einem längeren Nachricht wurde ich einfach ausgeloggt. MyStops nur mit Kaufzwang. Eigentlich gut, aber es sind halt unsere Krankenkassen.
Stürzt beim Rechnung einlesen ab. Rechnungen im PDF können nicht geöffnet werden in der App. Hat wohl noch einige Bugs drin... Praktisch um eine Übersicht zu behalten
Stürzt bei mir dauernd ab sobald ich eine Rechnung hochladen will; das scannen dauert ewig.
Die App kann zwar viel, aber vieles nicht recht. Sie ist auch auf modernen Geräten extrem langsam und tendiert dazu, in kritischen Momenten abzustürzen. Das Scannen mit der App ist der Horror - ständig meint die App, sie sei intelligenter als ich und fordert mich dazu auf, das zu scannende Dokument zu drehen weil sie Hoch und Querformat verwechselt. Sie lässt mich ausserdem nicht manuell auslösen (oft obwohl das Dokument perfekt positioniert ist), sondern wartet bis sie meint, das Dokument "erkannt" zu haben. Das Resultat ist ein fehlerhafter, nervenaufreibender Prozess. Sehr gut ist, dass man die App mit Fingerabdruck entsperren kann.
Language selection failure. Useless!
Excellent overview of personal health coverage. Even has a way to submit invoices directly for reimbursement. Fantastic!!
Keeps crashing when scanning a document. Cannot scan a long ticket. The main reason why I would use the app does not work...
Gute Integration von Fingerprint. Dadurch einfaches Logon
Seems streamlined. Once I learn to forward invoices for refunds, it will be great.
Easy and practical
Edit: it seems I have tried using it while the CSS server was having problems/maintenance. But I still have the same impression. The app needs to display proper error messages. That’s really the worst and unfinished Android app I have ever used. The app would be useful but is so buggy. Some examples: I forgot my app code. There’s a function for that so I enter my data, it takes really long to verify them (around a minute). If they were wrong I’m stuck at the same screen but the button at the buttom to send the data disappeared and the loading icon is still rotating from the request before. So I have to close the app and start again. Then I managed to get my data right, got an SMS with a verification code, entered it and the app said (again after waiting a long time) it was wrong, so I resent the SMS, entered, wrong again. I then copied it to make sure it was correct. Still wrong. Next thing: the back button. When not logged in and I have already entered the app code wrongly, then using the back button gives me an empty page with just the hamburger menu in the top right that I can press. Only happens sometimes. Other: not using the correct fields e.g. for entering e-mail adresses
I have already looked CSS website a lot. It is very English user friendly and modern. Now with the app, the experience is similar. Regular updates like adding fingerprint support is also commendable. Good job!
A little bit slow. English not available
Das Einsenden von Rechnungen ist sehr praktisch und einfach.
Utile pour gérer les factures, etc
Great. But uploading our bills for reimboursment takes takes too long for you to proceed with it.
So easy to use and all related info available without much effort.
Übersichtlich, schnelle Ladezeiten und benutzerfreundliche Bedienung.
The app is great. Easy to handle
Loved the "scan and send your bills" feature.
Scan and send bills to insurance, overview of reimbursements
Works now but is quite slow on Nexus 6
The app looks interesting and promising. But, it does not work with Android 6.0 (Android N), can you please check
App crashes with acceptance of terms of service
Una valida alternativa al tradizionale computer. L'appello ti premette di controllare tutto quello che è necessario e ti tiene aggiornato sullo stato delle tue richieste.
Ver convenient and easy to upload bills and to know your pending ones.
Does what it should, is very handy!
by U####:
It's one of the slowest apps I've ecperienced so far, it does literally take ages until the "next" button even reacts. just annoying.