About HICT七分鐘訓練
七分鐘運動(7-minute Work Out)正夯,正是適合沒時間又想瘦身的您!!
美國運動醫學會(American College of Sports Medicine)的《健康與健身雜誌》(Health & Fitness Journal)
http://blog.finely.me/2014/04/28/7-minutes-workout/ Seven minutes exercise (7-minute Work Out) being rammed, it is not time for you to want to lose weight!!
Features of this application
* Sports seven minutes, than running a few hours
* All free
* Represents all the action with animation, visual style relaxed cute
* Exercise, rest interval can be adjusted depending on their athletic ability
* Automatic recording time you use the
* Can be performed within a period of seven minutes, "pause", "resume", "Previous", "Next"
American College of Sports Medicine (American College of Sports Medicine) "health and fitness magazines" (Health & Fitness Journal)
Chinese description: