PitiClic Launcher

PitiClic Launcher Free App

Rated 4.22/5 (27) —  Free Android application by Infomedia Pro SRL

About PitiClic Launcher

“PitiClic Launcher” – este un minunat software pentru copiii cu varste intre 3 si 10 ani! PitiClic Launcher va ofera posibilitatea de a imparti tableta sau telefonul dumneavoastra inteligent cu copiii. Functioneaza ca o interfata grafica dedicata copiilor si este foarte intuitiv si prietenos in utilizare.

“PitiClic Launcher” poate fi setat astfel incat acesta sa fie primul lucru pe care copilul dumneavoastra il vede cand porneste tableta sau telefonul inteligent (daca il veti seta ca launcher „implicit”), in acest caz parasirea aplicatiei va necesita introducerea unei parole setata de dumneavoastra. “PitiClic Launcher” va poate proteja setarile de sistem, fisierele si datele importante de o actiune accidentala a copilului, asigurandu-va ca veti regasi dispozitivul in buna ordine si gata de lucru.

“PitiClic Launcher” creeaza un mediu placut si sigur, in care copiii pot invata in ritmul propriu sa utilizeze tableta, telefonul inteligent si parcurg o multitudine de aplicatii dedicate lor. Odata instalat, “PitiClic Launcher” se accesează sub numele de PitiStart. Designul orientat catre copii este perfect pentru cei cu manute mici si ochisori curiosi. Programele noastre educaționale și de divertisment ii provoaca pe copii sa rezolve probleme, sa faca greșeli, sa incerce din nou și SA REUSEASCA!

Din acest mediu controlat, se pot accesa 14 aplicatii educationale pentru copii, grupate astfel:

1. Accesoriile mele
a) Program “calculator” –“Matematica - Numaratoare”
Program de matematica pentru invatarea si exersarea operatiilor matematice, in concentrul 0-100. Rezolvarea operatiilor se face cu ajutorul unei numaratoare clasice, dar de acum, digitala.

b) Program de colorat – „Eu descopar Romania colorand-o”
Copilul coloreaza diverse planse și primeste si informatii despre diferite obiective turistice pentru a isi cunoaste tara.

c) Edutainment – „Talking PitiClic II”
Copiii interactioneaza cu PitiClic, el va reactiona la atingere. Poate fi vesel sau trist, emotiile sale depinzand de felul interactiunii. In plus, copiii au la dispozitie joculete si filmulete educative si amuzante.

d) Edutainment – „PitiClic invata CEASUL”
Copiii vor invata usor sa citeasca ora la ceas rezolvand jocurile distractive din acest program. Contine informatii despre ceasul cu limbi, ora fixă, "si jumatate", sfertul de oră, iar copiii pot face practica mutand chiar limbile ceasului.

2. EDU games (jocuri EDUCATIONALE “PitiClic”)
a) Baloanele Ninja
Copilul sparge baloane si invata culori, forme si operatii matematice in concentrul 0-20, usor si distractiv.

b) Stiinte - Circuitul electric
Stiinta si experimente. Copilul invata despre circuitele electrice jucandu-se!

c) ALFABETUL prin rebusuri cu desene
Program de invatare si exersare a alfabetului prin rezolvarea de integrame cu desene.

d) „Matematica pt pregatitoare”
Copiii de clasa pregatitoare vor intra in lumea circului si vor invata matematica rezolvand activitati amuzante.

3. Browser (browser limitat)
a) PitiClic – resurse educationale postate pe site-ul www.PitiClic.ro
b) Diverse jocuri pentru copii
c) Filmulete si cantecele educative pentru copii

4. Povesti (povesti multimedia pentru copii, in limba romana, pline de pilde si invataturi)
a) „PitiClic – Povestea lui Dintisor”
b) “Fabula Puiul si bobocul”
c) 2 povesti de inteligenta emotionala pentru copii (din seria “Medaliile succesului”)

5. Fundaluri – diverse fundaluri de ecran multiple (pentru fete baieti)

6. Carti - 2 carti electronice de educatie financiara pentru copii (seria “Copil bogat”)

Trasaturi: *****
Continut educational amuzant
Produs marca "PitiClic"

Aplicatie recomandata copiilor cu varste cuprinse intre 3 si 10 ani.
Realizata de Infomedia Pro SRL, in cooperare cu Telekom Romania Mobile Communications SA.

Vizitati-ne pe www.piticlic.ro si pe pagina de facebook www.facebook.com/piticlic

Vizitati www.telekom.ro pentru a descoperi noutatile oferite de Telekom pe piata de telecomunicații si divertisment din România. "PitiClic Launcher" - is a wonderful software for children aged 3 to 10 years! PitiClic Launcher allows you to share your tablet or smart phone with children. It works as a graphical interface dedicated to children and is very intuitive and friendly to use.

"PitiClic Launcher" can be set so that it is the first thing your child sees you turn your tablet or smartphone (if you simply set the launcher "default"), in this case leaving the application will require a password set by your. "PitiClic Launcher" can protect system settings, files and important data accidental action of the child, making sure that you will find the device in good order and ready to work.

"PitiClic Launcher" creates a pleasant and safe environment where children can learn at their own pace using your tablet, smartphone and go through a multitude of applications dedicated to them. Once installed, "PitiClic Launcher" is accessed under the name PitiStart. Child-oriented design is perfect for those with small hands hold and ochisori curious. Our educational and entertainment programs provokes children to solve problems, make mistakes, try again and succeed!

This controlled environment, you can access the 14 educational applications for children, grouped as follows:

1. My accessories
a) Program "computer" - "Mathematics - Counters"
Program for learning and practicing math mathematical operations, in concentric 0-100. Solving operations count is done using a classic but now digital.

b) Program Coloring - "I discover a coloring Romania"
Child coloring various boards and receives information about different sights to know their country.

c) Edutainment - 'Talking PitiClic II "
Children interact with PitiClic he will react to touch. Can be joyful or sad, depending on how his emotions interaction. In addition, children have access to educational and fun games and videos.

d) Edutainment - 'PitiClic learn CLOCK "
Children will easily learn to read time clock solving fun games of this program. Contains information about languages ​​clock, the hour, "and a half", quarter of an hour, and even children can practice moving hands of the clock.

2. EDU games (educational games "PitiClic")
a) balloons Ninja
The child burst balloons and learn colors, shapes and mathematical operations in concentric 0-20, easy and fun.

b) Sciences - electric circuit
Science and experiments. Learn about electrical circuits child playing!

c) the alphabet rebus drawings
Program learning and practicing the alphabet by solving crosswords drawings.

d) "Mathematics for preparatory"
Preparatory class children will enter the world of the circus and learn math by solving fun activities.

3. Browser (limited browser)
a) PitiClic - educational resources posted on the site www.PitiClic.ro
b) Various games for children
c) Movies and educational songs for children

4. Stories (multimedia stories for children in Romanian language, full of parables and teachings)
a) "PitiClic - The story of toots"
b) "Fable chicken and bud"
c) 2 stories for children emotional intelligence (the series' success medals ")

5. Background - multiple display different backgrounds (for girls boys)

6. Books - two eBooks financial education for children (series "rich kid")

Features: *****
Funny educational content
Product brand "PitiClic"

Application recommended for children aged between 3 and 10 years.
Made by Infomedia Pro LLC, in cooperation with Telekom Romania Mobile Communications SA.

Visit us on facebook page www.piticlic.ro and www.facebook.com/piticlic

Www.telekom.ro visit to discover the updates offered by Telekom telecommunications and entertainment market in Romania.

How to Download / Install

Download and install PitiClic Launcher version Varies with device on your Android device!
Downloaded 10,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: cev.infomedia.pitistarttelekom, download PitiClic Launcher.apk

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App History & Updates

What's Changed
Contine doua noi aplicatii:
1. in categoria „Accesoriile mele” – aplicatia „PitiClic invata CEASUL”
2. in categoria „EDU games” – aplicatia „Matematica pt pregatitoare”
Compatibil cu Android N.
More downloads  PitiClic Launcher reached 10 000 - 50 000 downloads
More downloads  PitiClic Launcher reached 1 000 - 5 000 downloads

What are users saying about PitiClic Launcher

by M####:

Fetele mele sunt foarte incantate!

by P####:

Mai ales cand mergi in vizita si toti copiii din jurul tau vor telefonul 'un pic'

by M####:


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27 users