Visit Peralada for Android
Al començar a preparar aquest joc, ens plantejàrem una pregunta: Què és Peralada? I la resposta va ser una tempesta de preguntes: Pedres o records?, Castell o vila ?, Pagès o músic?, Llegat o projecte?, Espasa o arada ?, Conquesta o desig?, Ramon Muntaner o Bernat Desclot?, Garbí o tramuntana?, Mar o muntanya?, Pa amb tomata o platillo?, Vi o cava?...
Cada pregunta conduïa a una altra, com si submergir-se en la història de Peralada fos equivalent a entrar dins d'una espiral sense fi. Tot això per arribar a una última qüestió: Peralada és el que jo veig o el que tu veus? I el resultat és aquest joc que té vocació de mapa de l'Illa del Tresor, ja que està pensat especialment per ajudar-vos a vosaltres, visitants curiosos, inquiets i amb esperit de descobridors de geografies i de històries desconegudes, que us agrada fer-vos preguntes i mirar de trobar respostes o, si més no, descobrir alguna pregunta més.
A crowd of winding streets, squares and streets with names of forgotten trades, walls, churches, convents, castles, stately homes, palaces, museums, wineries, golf, casino ... Peralada, like any other town, with more than Two thousand years of history behind, the visitor is presented today as a kind of big puzzle wrought creations of time, memories and desires of people from antiquity until today has walked for this land. Puzzle, namely element complex, articulated, difficult to read if you do not know your pieces fit.To begin preparations for this game, raises a question: What Peralada? And the answer was a storm of questions: Stones records or Castle or town ?,?, Or musician Labrador Legacy ?, or project or plow Sword ?,?, Or desire Conquest ?, Ramon Muntaner and Bernat Desclot SW ?, or north ?, sea or mountain Bread ?, ?, dish with tomato or wine or champagne? ...
Each question led to another, as if soaking in the history of Peralada was equivalent to enter an endless spiral. All this to get one last question: Peralada is what I see or what you see? And the result is that this game has a complete map of Treasure Island because it is specially designed to help you, visitors curious, restless spirit of discoverers geographies and unknown stories that you like to do -vos questions and try to find answers, or at least discover some more questions.