Meditation Music for Android
Not soothing at all.
The audio included works well, but it has some browser clicks mixed in which are distracting. Also the icons were done in ms paint and look bad and confusing. Time limits are also set to only whole numbers, meaning if you want to go into say 15.5 minutes you can't and it crashes.
Sounds static NOT AT ALL what they say. Can't uninstall it either.
Is a good app although a couple samples have background clicks.if tidied up would be great.also samples need to fade into each other.
Worst app every. If this is what relaxes you tom meditate then ive got some old slayer tapes you can have.
This is my star up point
Its done on paint you can tell its a mic near a bath being filled or someone blowing into to sould like the wind sorry but this is crap nothing less nothing more
by Y####:
not labeled well and the sounds were awful