Alton's Bridge Updates for Android
This app is a good replacement for the page which the government provides. Many U.S. citizens working in Mexico, in maquiladoras for example, check on bridge wait times before heading back home every day. This app lets you choose your favorite bridges, then pulls up their statuses at the push of a button. You can also share bridge conditions with your coworkers and other app users to get more up-to-the-minute information.
Because internet access can be very expensive in Mexico, the app works together with its own dedicated server to reduce the amount of internet usage to the absolute minimum necessary to present you the data you need.
- I will try to pretty up the app a little bit. :-) But it works fine like it is.
- I may enable features like accelerometer monitoring to determine when you get into line and when you leave the bridge, to automatically gather crossing times like that, but that is something for the future at this point, and may involve privacy considerations.
As regular users of the government web page know, sometimes their statuses are not quite accurate. For example, sometimes bridges are reported as "Closed" all day, while their delay times and lanes open figures are correctly updated anyway. So take the government information with the usual grain of salt.
Feel free to send suggestions for additional functionality to Again, we expect our most useful feature to be the crowdsourcing -- real time updates from your fellow travelers and yourselves about bridge conditions and wait times.