Pink Salvador for Android
A unidade soteropolitana possui um serviço impecável de som e iluminação de última geração. Com certeza um cenário perfeito para quem sabe esbanjar bom gosto, os clientes encontrarão sofisticação e elegância, tornando-se o espaço ideal para uma noite diferenciada em Salvador.
Baixe já o app da melhor balada de Salvador/RN!
Present in several cities in the world such as New York, Dubai, Southampton, St. Barths, Park City and Sao Paulo, Pink Elephant is known worldwide for attracting big names from jet setters, celebrities, socialites and opinion makers. In Salvador, could not be otherwise. Located in the Pyramid of the Red River, conceptualized space, located in the charming and trendy neighborhood of Rio Vermelho.The soteropolitana unit has impeccable service sound and cutting-edge lighting. Surely a perfect setting for those who know squander taste, guests will find sophistication and elegance, making it the ideal place for a different night in Salvador.
Download the app has the best ballad Salvador / RN!