التهجد وقيام الليل for Android
الحمد لله
قيام الليل : " هو قضاء الليل ، أو جزءا منه ولو ساعة ، في الصلاة وتلاوة القرآن وذكر الله ، ونحو ذلك من العبادات , ولا يشترط أن يكون مستغرقا لأكثر الليل .
وجاء في مراقي الفلاح : معنى القيام أن يكون مشتغلا معظم الليل بطاعة , وقيل : ساعة منه , يقرأ القرآن أو يسمع الحديث أو يسبح أو يصلي على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم " انتهى . باختصار من "الموسوعة الفقهية الكويتية" (34/ 117) .
قيام الليل لقد أنعم الله علينا بالإسلام، وكانت الصلاة من أهم ما يربطُ الإنسان بربه، وقد جعل منها ما هو فرض ومكتوب، تُؤدى بأوقاتٍ زمنية مُعينة، وجعل منها ما هو نافلة، يتقربُ الإنسان بها إلى ربه في كل وقتٍ وكلّ حين، والنوافل كثيرة، منها صلاة الضحى التي تؤدى في وقت الضحى، وصلاة التسابيح، والتي تُعدُّ من الصلوات التي يُستحبُ على الإنسان تأديتها، وفضلاً عن صلاة قيام الليل، والتي تُعتبر مفتاحاً لقرب العبد من ربه. وقت قيام الليل وفضله قيام الليل هو من النوافل التي جعلها الله سبحانه وتعالى لتكون سبباً في زيادة الصلة بين العبد وربه، وقد كان لنا رسولنا الكريم القدوة الحسنة في جميع مجالات الحياة، فقد كان عليه الصلاة والسلام يقوم الليل وحثَّ أهله وأصحابه على المواظبة والمحافظة على هذه النافلة، لما لقيام الليل من فضلٍ وأجرٍ عظيم عند الله سبحانه وتعالى. ويكون قيامُ الليل من بعد صلاةِ العشاءِ حتى وقت صلاة الفجر، ولكنّ الثلث الأخير من الليل هو أفضل وقت لقيام الليل، ويُستحب الصلاة وقراءة القرآن والاستغفار في هذا الوقت، ففيه يتنزلُ ربُ الكونِ إلى السماء الدنيا منادياً هل من مُستغفرٍ فأغفر له. ويُعتبر قيام الليل دليلاً واضحاً وصريحاً على قوة إيمان الإنسان، لأنه يُلبي نداء الله، تاركاً لذة النوم ولذة الحياة الدنيا، ليقف أمام يدي رب الكون داعياً، وراجياً المولى أن يغفر له ويرحمه ويهدي قلبه ويشرح صدره للإيمان، ولم تُحدد عدد ركعات قيام الليل، فكل إنسان يُصلي العدد الذي يقدر عليه، فديننا دين يُسرٍ لا عُسر؛ لذلك فتارك صلاة قيام الليل لا يُعاقب، ولكنه يخسر أجراً ومكانة عظيمة عند الله سبحانه وتعالى
Night is the one of the greatest acts of worship to God and most of worship of Almighty God, which is about a part of the night, or even the whole night praying and praying and reading the Koran and Allah Almighty and soliloquy, and sleep is required before him, and the time of the night begins after prayers dinner until dawn, while the soft reasons for the night is represented as follows. Soft reasons for the night understand the virtues of the night and his reward with Allah Almighty. Not a lot of food and drink. Not to leave napping in the daytime hours. Try to avoid committing sins. Sleeping on the right side of the body. Go pray to God Almighty that the person appointed to do the night. Muslim eat and stay away from the Grand. Frequent for forgiveness. For the night the reward of a great reward from God Almighty, do not teach him one of creation except God Almighty, preassigned night raises the status of the slave when his Lord, and works to increase the peacefulness and tranquility and sow comfort in psychology, which is conversing with his Lord and seek His forgiveness God will answer his request and forgive him , so the best times of the night to be in the last third of the night, the night of the evils constitutes kufr, and installed the same, and where following the example of the Prophet peace be upon him. Tahajjud Tahajud a prayer at night and be after sleeping, one of the types of supererogatory prayers, begins her time after evening prayers until dawn. Is vigils of the night, every night tahajjud do, and not do all night Thjadda. The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him pray Tahajud after Rkdh, then prayer after Rkdh, this is called prayer vigils. How Tahajud But how Tahajud shall be two by two, preferably stamped rak'ah tendon, and can sufficiency eleven rak'ahs, or thirteen rak'ahs as proven from the Prophet peace be upon him, he was not compounded it. The difference between the night and vigils begin the night begins his time after evening prayers until dawn, and have the night praying and reading the flow from the Koran and go to God Almighty to pray and Astgfarh and soliloquy, but tahajjud is a special prayer, where prayer be after Rkdh, so it can for people who have trouble waking up on the first night waking up in the last third of it and do a prayer vigils, as the last third of the best times of the night, and is vigils of the night, all tahajjud is a night but not all of the night Thjadda.Praise be to Allaah
The night: "He is to spend the night, or part of it, even an hour, in prayer and reading the Koran and Allah, and other acts of worship, is not required to be absorbed over night.
A hypochondriac farmer: meaning do to be in the business most of the night to obey, and it was: an hour of it, the Koran reads or hears talk or swim or pray at the Prophet, peace be upon him. "End quote. In short, the" Kuwaiti Mawsoo'ah "(34/117).
Night God has blessed us with Islam, and the prayer of the most important links the rights of his Lord, has made some of which is imposing and written, performed certain period of times, and made it what is superfluous, human obedience to the Lord all the time and all the while, many redundancy, including Duha prayer performed in the time of Duha, hymns and prayers, and that is one of the prayers that it is recommended for human fulfillment, in addition to prayer for the night, which is considered a key to the proximity of his Lord. Time of the night and virtues of the night is a redundancy that make them God Almighty to be the cause of increasing the link between a person and his Lord, and we had our noble role models in all areas of life, it was peace be upon him the night he urged his family and his companions on attendance and maintain this Fasts, what to do the night by the grace of a great reward from God Almighty. And have a night after evening prayers at the time of dawn prayers, but the last third of the night is the best time of the night, and mustahabb prayer and reading the Koran and pray for forgiveness at this time, is subject descends Lord of the universe to the lowest heaven, declaring Is Moustaghfir forgive him. The Night clear and explicit on the strength of human belief in evidence, because it caters to God's call, leaving the thrill of sleep and the joy of life, to stand in front of the hands of the Lord of the universe, calling, and hoping the Lord to forgive him and bless his soul and guides his heart and his heart to the faith, did not specify the number of rakahs the night, all man prays number that is estimated, Vdinina pleased religion is not indigestion; therefore Vtark prayer for the night is not punished, but lose a great reward and prestige when God Almighty