قصة طالوت و جالوت

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قصص من القرأن : قصة طالوت وداود و جالوت

بدات القصة عندما توفي سيدنا موسىو ترك ميراث لبني اسرائيل وهو التوراة والصحف المقدسة ،و كان قدوضعها في صندوق واعطاه ليوشع بن نون الذي كان مرافقه في رحلته . وبعد اربعين عاما وما زال بنو اسرائيل في خوف من العمالقة وسطوهم ،وما ان اصبح يوشع بن نون النبي المنتظر لاسرائيل كان قد مات كثير من بني اسرائيل وبعدهم اتى جيل لا يخاف وحرروا الاراضي المقدسة ودخلوها وقامت دولة بني اسرائيل ولكنها لم تدم طويلا ورجعوا الى عاداتهم المملوءة بالمعاصي ونسوا صندوق العهد .

وقام جالوت وهو من الاقباط بالاستيلاء على اراضيهم وقتل ابنائهم ونسائهم واستولى على الصندوق .و في تلك الحقبة من الزمن بعث الله لهم نبيا يعظهم ويعلمهم تعاليم دينهم ولم يهتموا به وبدأت القصة بأن بنو اسرائيل ذهبوا الى النبي وقالوا له: اننا مظلومون فرد عليه النبي وقال:نعم انتم كذلك ثم قالوا له: ونحن مشردون قال لهم :نعم كذلك ثم قالوا له:لماذا لا نقاتل في سبيل الله تحت راية ملكا واحدا ونسترجع اراضينا وامجادنا فرد عليهم نبيهم وهو على علم بما يمكرون :وهل انتم على ثقة كاملو ان تقاتلوا اذا كتب عليكم ؟عندها اجابوا بلى سنقاتل من طردنا من اراضينا وشردنا وهاهي احوالنا تسوء . عند ذلك قال لهم ان الله اختارملكا عليكم هو طالوت يقودكم لما انتم فيه . هنا شاء الله ان يجعل كرامة لطالوت ويكون له قبول في النفوس .ولكن من هو طالوت ؟ طالوت هو شاب فقير من ابناء بنيامين و هو اخو يوسف يعمل مع والده في ارضه وقد ضاع حماره فذهب يبحث عنه واخذته الطريق وابتعد عن القرية حتى اقترب من القرية التي يعيش فيها النبي ارميا وذهب عنده ليسمع موعظته .

وهو قوي البنيه طويل القامة عيناه تلمعان بالنور . اجابوه في غضب من هو طالوت هذا الذي سيقودنا وهو ليس منا وليس بغني ؟_عندها ظهر اعتراضهم على اوامر نبيهم _ فرد عليهم ان الله اختاره لعقله وجسمه القوي .حينها ظهر من بعيد فاستوقفه النبي وقال له ان الله امرك ان تقود بني اسرائيل على اعدائهم فقال له يا نبي الله جئت لابحث عن حماري في قريتكم واصبح ملكا عليكم وانا فقير والملك يريد الرجل الغني عندها قال له هذه اوامر الله وامتثل عندها لامر الله وامر النبي ورضي بالقيام بهذه المسؤولية. وعند اصرارهم وتعنتهم قال لهم النبي انه سياتيكم بالصندوق الذي فيه ميراثكم عندها قالو وكيف ؟؟؟قال اذهبوا الى الصحراء وسترون كيف ؟ سياتيكم الصندوق تحمله الملائكةوجاءت اللحظة المنتظرة وحدثت المعجزة عندها رأى بنو اسرائيل صندوق الهد يتلألأ نورا ويهبط الى الارض عندها اطمئنوا لطالوت ووافقوا على ملكه لهم وعم الآمن و النظام اراضيهم .

وبعد ذلك جهز طالوت جيشا كبيرا وسار بهم عندها احس الجنود بالعطش فأخبرهم طالوت انه سيكون امامنا نهر ولكن بشرط كل من يشرب منه ليس منا ومن لم يشرب فهو معنا وكان هذا امتحان لهم وبالفعل شرب معظم الجنود فخرجوا من الجيش لأنهم ضعيفي الارادة ويستسلمون بسرعة فبقي معه 313 رجلا وهؤلاء هم الاقوياء فقط . ولكن في هذه الاثناء شعر الجيش المتبقي انهم اضعف من جيش جالوت وكيف سينتصرون عليه ؟؟؟ والتقى الجيشان قي بيت لحم وبدأت المعركة واوحى الله تعالى الى طالوت ان الذي سيقتل جالوت يلبس درع موسى وفي هذه الاثناء كان هناك رجل كبير له اربع اولاد جهزهم للحرب ما عدا فتاه الصغير داوود جعله للذهاب بالطعام والشراب اليهم واحضار الاخبار كذلك اليهم ،

وتحرك الفتى عندما راى ان جالوت يطلب من يبارزه وقد وضع طالوت هدية للذي يقتل جالوت و هي ان يكون هو القائد ويتزوج ابنته ،ولم يخرج احد فطلب هذا الفتى داوود من طالوت ان يبارزه دون التفكير بالهدية ،فقال له كيف وانت صغير عندها قال له اني قتلت ذئبا حاول التعدي على اغنامي ثم تقدم ووضع حجرا قويا في مقلاعه وصوب بها على جالوت فارداه قتيلا وانتصروا عليه وبعد وفاة طالوت اوصى بالحكم لداوود واصبح داوود ملكا عليهم...

لا تنسوا تقييم التطبيق و شكرا ....

Stories from the Koran: the story of David and Goliath and Goliath

The story began when the Prophet died Museo leaving an inheritance to the children of Israel, the Torah and the Holy newspapers, and was Kaddodaha in a box and gave it to Joshua, who was on the trip facilities. After forty years, and the children still Israel in fear of the Giants and Stohm, and he became Joshua Prophet awaited Israel had died many of the children of Israel, and after them came a generation is not afraid and liberated the Holy Land, and they entered and the State of the children of Israel, but did not last long, and returned to their habits filled disobedience and forgotten Covenant Fund.

The Goliath, one of the Copts, the seizure of their lands and killed their sons and their wives and took over the fund. And in that era of time God sent them a prophet preached to them and teach them the teachings of their religion and did not care about his story began that the children of Israel went to the Prophet and said to him that we are oppressed replied the Prophet said: Yes, we also then said to him: We are homeless, said to them: Yes, well, then they said to him: Why do not fight in the cause of God under the banner of the property of one and reclaim our land and our glory answered them prophet who knowingly including plots: Are you confident Kamilo be fought if the books you ? They answered yes then we will fight to expel us from our land and we are displaced and here we are doing wrong. So when he told them that God Akhtarmlka you Talot is leading you to where you are. Here, God willing, that makes the dignity of Goliath and have to accept in the soul. But who is Goliath? Goliath is a poor young man from the sons of Benjamin and is the brother of Joseph worked with his father in the home has lost his donkey went looking for him and I took the road and away from the village so close to the village where the prophet Jeremiah lived and went with him to hear his sermon.

 It is a powerful dolichomorphic his eyes flashing. Tall with light. I answered him in anger Who is this Goliath, who will lead us and it is not us and not the riches? _andha Objected to the orders of their prophet appeared _ answered them that God has chosen for his mind and strong body .hanha appeared from afar Fastoagafh the Prophet and told him that God commanded to lead the children of Israel over their enemies said to him, O Prophet of God have come to look for my ass in your village and became king upon you, and I am poor and the king wants the rich man then told him the orders of God and then complied with the order of God and the Prophet and be pleased to carry out this responsibility. At their insistence and intransigence of the Prophet he told them he Siatikm fund in which your possession then they said and how they said ??? Just go to the desert and you will see how? Fund Siatikm afford Almlaikhujaet awaited moment and then a miracle occurred children of Israel saw Target Fund sparkling light and falls to the ground, then rest assured to Talot and agreed to have his uncle and safe land system.

And then outfitted Talot large army and marched them then felt the soldiers thirsty Talot told them he would be in front of us the river, but only if all of the drink it is not us who did not drink it with us and this was the exam for them and already drinking most of the soldiers, they went out of the army because they are visually will and give up too quickly remained with him 313 these are the men and mighty only. But in the meantime, the remaining army felt they were weaker than Goliath army and how it will win ??? The two armies met valuable Bethlehem and began the battle and inspired of God to Talot that which would kill Goliath wears armor of Moses and in the meantime there was a great man with four children prepare them for the war except the little David ph him to go food and drink to them and bring the news as well as them,

And the movement of the boy when he saw that Goliath asked Ibarzh has Talot put gift for the one who kills Goliath and is to be the leader and marry his daughter, and no one comes out asked this boy David from Goliath that Ibarzh without thinking about the gift, said to him, how you're small then she told him that I killed Zeeb tried infringement of my sheep, and provides a strong and put a stone in his sling and towards them on Goliath and killed him, and vindicate him after the death of Goliath has recommended to David and David became king over them ...

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