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경기도 성남시
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정자아이파크 17층
(주)블루핀 ◆ 'it is any thing or length, height, and weight. "" All objects can be decomposed into smaller shapes., Such as
Animation is fun and easy to understand mathematical facts Afro
Very little friends, Milli, Geo, robot friend is a team botteu
To help children in need solves the problem.
Umi quiet car ride into the body, even in a narrow space, such as a doll,
This small friends will see me looking at things from different perspectives.
Mathematical analysis of the problem, and I solved using the 'mathematical power'.
We realize that this life that surrounded the mathematical elements
Interestingly it helps submerged in the world of mathematics.
◆ Universal app: This app is Universal app that can be used in both the phone and the pad once purchased.
◆ apps related inquiries: Payment errors and problems related to the app in case (helpdesk@bluepin.co.kr)
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Apps for questions or complaints, contact (helpdesk@bluepin.co.kr), please confirm as soon as possible we will answer.
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