Focus N Filter Text for Android
Focus N Filter Text is to provide facility of write your name as signature using plain white image and you can write your name as well as to share it via social link.
Focus N Filter Text is to make your Name in Cool Signature is a app where you can you can find your name in amazing art work. You can also save this to your phone or share with social media.
Focus N Filter Text is contains powerful text filtering editor with lots of fonts for photos.
Features :
1. Enter Your Name
2. Tap to Start Focus N Filter Text.
3. Draw your finger tip name easily.
4. Font Style contains all the name of your with all font style list at one place.
5. Choose any one of your favorite font style with your name.
6. Font Size contains to set your name font size with scroll option so that you can easily make smaller and bigger for your choice.
7. Background color contains all the color option of background in Focus N Filter Text name.
8. Choose Font Color for your more choice to write your name in such as wonderful stylish name maker.
9. Choose Draw option for write your signature name on plain image.
10. You can also write your name via finger so that its looks like a finger art signature.
11. Share your stylish name via social link.
12. My Creation provide all the saved your name list at one place.
Focus N Filter Text is amazing to write your name with best collections of font gallery and to share your friends and family member for best art.