About Clippe
Sfoglia il lookbook completo delle Clippe per scoprirne l’uso e, perché no, pensarne altri! Non c’è limite alla fantasia che le Clippe scatenano in chi le usa, ognuna offre infinite interpretazioni. Sapevi che le Clippe sono vendute nei top concept store del mondo? Lo shop del Moma e Merci a Parigi sono solo alcuni di questi…
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Le fotogallery delle Clippe: eventi, opening, meeting, programmi tv… ovunque ci sia bisogno di un tocco di design!
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Nel 1967 IPAC brevetta “la molletta in acciaio inox” ricavandola dai triangoli di scarto dello stampaggio delle pentole. Nasce così, da un piccolo capolavoro d’artigianato locale, un prezioso oggetto di design, che infonde un concetto di riciclaggio in un oggetto utile ed intelligente. Nel 2010 la molletta in acciaio inox originale si trasforma in una serie di oggetti coordinati, le Clippe; stravaganti, divertenti, pratiche e multiuso riconoscibili oggi come vere e proprie icone del Design Italiano. SHOWREEL
Browse the full lookbook of Clippe to discover its use and, why not, think of others! There is no limit to the imagination that Clippe trigger in those who use them, each offers endless interpretations. Did you know that Clippe are sold in top concept store in the world? Shop Moma Goods and Paris are just a few of these ...
Discover the collection of Clippe, each with its own custom card product. And if you like ... you can also buy them with just a few clicks!
The photo gallery of Clippe: events, openings, meetings, tv shows ... wherever there is a need for a designer touch!
A diary full of photos and news about Clippe from all over the world!
Want to stay up to date on news of Clippe? Follow the official Facebook page of the brand.
In 1967 IPAC patented "clip the stainless steel" deriving it from triangles of scrap molding the pots. Thus was born, a small masterpiece of local crafts, a valuable piece of design, which instills a concept of recycling in a smart and useful item. In 2010, the clothespin original stainless steel is transformed into a series of objects coordinated, the Clippe; whimsical, fun, practical and multi-purpose recognizable today as true icons of Italian design.