DrMentor for Android
Teknoloji ve tıp eğitiminde kaydedilen ilerleme, beklenenin aksine tanı ve tedavi sürelerinin uzamasına ve buna bağlı olarak da tedavi maliyetlerin artmasına yol açmıştır.
Drmentor, üyelik sistemi ile üyelerine ihtiyaç anında hizmet verecek hekim ve kurumu seçmede profesyonel danışmanlık hizmeti veren bir projedir. DrMentor anlaşmalı hekim ve hastane ağı içinden seçim yapma hakkı, yapılan tıbbi işlemlerin verilerine online ulaşabilme& arşivleyebilme servisleri gibi teknolojik servislerin yanında, indirimli sağlık hizmeti ve maliyet analiz sistemi gibi mali servisleri de içeren kapsamlı bir medikal asistan programını sunmaktadır. Tüm üyelerimiz www.drmentor.org web sitesi veya Call Center aracılığı ile taleplerini hızlıca iletme imkânı vardır.
Increased use of advanced technology in health services, have led to complex diagnostic methods; In parallel with developments in medical education, there have been many innovations in the medical field. The orientation of the advanced expertise of physicians science has made it difficult to find the right expert for the patient.Technology and progress in medical education, the extension of the duration of treatment and diagnosis, and contrary to expectations has led to an increase in treatment costs accordingly.
Drment, it will give immediate service needs of its members through membership in a project to choose the doctors and institutions providing professional consulting services. drment negotiated physicians and hospitals the right to choose within the network, as do the medical procedure of data to online access & archiving ability to service Besides the technological services, such as reduced health care and cost analysis system offers a comprehensive medical assistant program, including financial services. All members of our website or by request through www.drmentor.org Call Center has the opportunity to communicate quickly.