Neardeal for Android
Handelaars kunnen via het Neardeal platform promoties publiceren die in real-time zichtbaar zijn in jullie app. Loop je rond in de stad? of zit u gewoon thuis in de zetel? U ziet steeds de beste deals in uw buurt.
Vind je een deal Leuk? Bekijk de condities en reservatie mogelijkheden en ga gewoon langs bij de handelaar om de deal te verzilveren.
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Het Neardeal team!
Traders can publish through the Near Deal platform promotions that are visible in real time in your app. You walk around in the city? or sitting at home in your office? You always see the best deals in your area.
Like a deal Cute? Check conditions and booking options and just go along with the merchant to redeem the deal.
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The Near Deal team!