Radioactive@Home Map for Android
One time i went in a forest and on the map was radioactive zones one Had 1.9 not that dangerous BUT I SAW A DEAD CORPSE I PUTTED MY OWN RADIOACTIVE PHONE AND SAID 111.8 SOOOOO DANGEROUS I RAN AWAY FROM THAT
And no data...
You should really update this app
glow house in the hood
You should really update this app
glow house in the hood
This is definitely not bad, but I'd be fine with just a coarse location instead of having to turn on the power-hungry GPS. I'd also appreciate if it would update and cache the information every now and then when a connection is available.
I live near the Hanford Site and would expect it to show up, however it does not.
Not bad This is definitely not bad, but I'd be fine with just a coarse location instead of having to turn on the power-hungry GPS. I'd also appreciate if it would update and cache the information every now and then when a connection is available.
Worthless I live near the Hanford Site and would expect it to show up, however it does not.
by W####:
You should really update this app