About FSailor
FSailor has been designed with yacht racing in mind but can be used for any other activity.
You enter a list of markers and their position and the app will indicate a bearing/distance to that mark.
If you are the owner of a "Pebble" watch, the app will send the info to your watch for display.
The pebble app "Sailor for Pebble" can be found at http://www.allpebble.com/
The buttons on the watch can be used to select the marks.
If you don't have a "Pebble" watch, you can use it as a standalone app.
The list of marks/buoys are contained in a file called waypoints.csv. This file is located in your download folder.
You can edit this file using any text editor or spreadsheet app.
By default, the course 1 buoys for the Nedlands Yacht Club will be shown.
The app menu can be used to do some basic editing, but I recommend using a spreadsheet program.
You can create several waypoint lists and replace the current file as required.
If enough interest is shown, I will allow the selection of waypoint lists and improve the editing ability.