About Team Square
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Le complexe :
Situé à proximité du centre commercial de Noyelles-Godault, Team Square est le plus grand complexe multi-loisirs de la région. Celui-ci s’étend sur plus de 6.500m2 intérieur et regroupe une quinzaine d’activités : paintball, bubble fight, tchouckball, kidsball, foot en salle, bubble foot, air-hockey, bubble rugby, structures gonflables enfants, bubble sumos, kinball, location de salles, babyfoot humain, archeryTag, bumball, billard, restauration et séminaire/team bulding/incentive. - Discover our activities
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The complex :
Located near Noyelles-Godault Mall, Team Square is the largest multi-entertainment complex in the region. It spans over within 6.500m2 and includes fifteen activities: paintball, bubble fight, Tchoukball, kidsball, indoor football, bubble football, air hockey, rugby bubble, kids inflatables, sumo bubble, kinball, room rentals, human table football, archeryTag, bumball, billiards, catering and seminar / team bulding / incentive.