About Songs of birds from Brazil PRÓ
This is the PRO version of "Songs of birds Brazil" app, this new app were added to the corners of the Cardeal Amarelo, Coleiro da Chácara, Curió, Bico Duro, Trinca Ferro, Sanhaço Frade, Coleiro do Brejo, Bigodinho, Tico Tico e Bico de Pimenta, Azulão, Bicudo, Canário da Terra, Cardeal, Pintassilgo e Sabiá Laranjeira. The application was developed to be used for legal and other creators lovers as these beautiful and exotic birds from of Brazil. This is the PRO version of "Songs of birds Brazil" app, this new app Were added to the corners of the Cardinal Yellow Coleiro of the estate, Bullfinch, Nipples Hard, Trinca Ferro, Sanhaço Frade, Coleiro Bog, Whiskers, Tico Tico Nozzle and pepper, Bluebird, Weevil, Canary Earth, Cardinal, Goldfinch and Sabia Orange. The application was developed to be used is legal and the other creators lovers These beautiful and exotic birds from of Brazil.