bluetooth voice control

bluetooth voice control Free App

Rated 4.00/5 (3) —  Free Android application by teacherhan


About bluetooth voice control

Bluetooth Voice control is a simple app that connects with any bluetooth device. However it is tested with HC06 to send text to arduino micro controller to turn on and off a led.

in order to use this app you should olso have an arduino uno and HC06 bluetooth device..

how to use

1. İnstall the app
2. Before set up the blutooth conncetion turn on your device bluetooth.
3. Search HC06 bluetooth device on your phone's default bluetooth interface.
4. You may have some problems while pairing HC06 but don't worry return to the Voice Control app and click on the connection button and sellect HC06 from the list. When you connect the indicater will return to green.
5. Click on the mic icon
6. speek to your phone mic
7. wait for the voice to text process
8. your speech will show up in the text box as text.
9. App will send the converted speech to the conncted bluetooth device

How to Download / Install

Download and install bluetooth voice control version 1.0 on your Android device!
Downloaded 100+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: appinventor.ai_teacherhan.voiceControl, download bluetooth voice control.apk

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by X####:

The sensivity of the bluetooth is too much but it love it

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