TEP PENJAS for Android
Rancangan Pembelajara Teknologi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga ini dirancang terutama dimaksudkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sumber belajar di bidang teknologi pembelajaran, khususnya bagi mahasiswa yang sedang belajar teknologi pembelajaran pada jurusan pendidikan jasmani dan olahraga.
Learning Technology is 'applied science', hence these disciplines can be used to improve the quality of learning in particular subject areas of physical education and sport. Because of characteristics that are flexible, the Learning Technology is a discipline of "interactive" and easily adapt to changes and developments in science in general.Draft Pembelajara Instructional Technology Physical Education and Sport was designed primarily intended to meet the needs of learning resources in the field of learning technologies, especially for students who are learning learning technologies at the department of physical education and sport.