About Bhondla
Bhondla (भोंडला ) is a cultural tradition celebrated in India as the Sun moves to the thirteenth constellation of the zodiac called Hasta'. "All the sixteen days between Ghatasthapana and Kojagiri Purnima, We see young girls and women celebrating the Bhondla with a lot of enthusiasm and energy. A rangoli, representing a motif of an elephant is drawn either on the floor or on a paat (low wooden stool). The girls go around this arrangement in a circle, holding each other's hands and singing the Bhondla songs. All the Bhondla songs are traditional songs passed down from generation to generation and now are also available on Android via this app.
We currently have the lyrics of six such songs :
ऐलमा पैलमा गणेशदेवा
एक लिंबू झेलू बाई
सोन्याचा करंडा
कारल्याच्या वेल लाव ग सुने
आड बाई आडोणी
More songs will be added in future updates
by U####:
Awesome dude