About MindApp
Recentment s'ha comprovat científicament que l'exercici regular mental millora en gran mesura la memòria de les persones. MindApp té com a objectiu realitzar aquesta tasca.
L’app consisteix en quatre jocs basats en uns principis de psicologia cognitiva que ens ajuda a practicar, millorar i agilitzar diferents habilitats mentals.
MindApp té dos perfils, un indicat per persones grans i un d'altre per a nens. Recently it has been scientifically proven that regular mental exercise greatly improves the memory of people. MindApp aims to accomplish this task.
The app consists of four games based on principles of cognitive psychology practice that helps us improve and streamline various mental abilities.
MindApp has two profiles, one suitable for elderly people and another for children.