About Getting Greek Grammar Glossary
The Getting Greek: Grammatical Glossary is a resource that contains over 150 grammatical terms. More specifically, these are terms that those working with theological languages should familiarize themselves with. Thus, while this is a "Getting Greek" project, not only do the grammatical terms apply to Koine Greek but this app was also created with an eye towards biblical Hebrew/Aramaic, French & German as well. This will be a helpful resource for clergy, laypersons, teachers, students, professors, seminarians, grammarians and ancient language-lovers alike. Get it for .99 cents and tell your friends about it!
NOTE: When the app first starts up, under the A-D tab, you will actually have "all" glossary terms, that is, A-Z. This is just for the purpose of quick, instant access. However, once you touch any of the other tabs, it the app will then sort all words accordingly (eg. A-D, E-M, N-Z, etc.). This is not an "error" nor is it a bug, I did this purposefully. Some may find it more useful than others but all-in-all, it seems to be helpful.