LKS Transformasi ini merupakan media pembelajaran berbasis android yang berupa lembar kerja yang digunakan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan anak tentang materi transformasi. LKS ini berisi soal-soal translasi, rotasi,refleksi dan dilatasi. Anak harus memilih salah satu jawaban yang tepat pada setiap soal. Setelah anak menjawab semua soal, anak akan mengetahui skornya.
Terima kasih kepada Google atas gambar-gambar yang menarik, mohon maaf atas kesalahan jika melanggar hak cipta. Semoga dengan niat pembelajaran pendidikan, hal ini tidak menjadi masalah.
Selamat mengerjakan.
This Transformation student worksheet is a media learning based android form of worksheets used to knowing knowledge about matter son transformation .It contains questions have been translation, rotation, reflection and dilatation .A child must choose the one the correct answer on each about .After the child answer all questions , children will know his score.
Thanks to google over the figures which interesting , apologize for error if breaking copyright .Hopefully with the intention of learning education , it is not a problem .
Good luck. LKS This transformation is an android-based learning media in the form of worksheets that are used to determine the child's knowledge about the material transformation. This LKS contains questions translation, rotation, reflection, and dilation. The child must choose the one right answer to each question. After answering all the questions a child, the child will know the score.
Thanks to Google for pictures of attractive, apologize for the error if it violates copyright. Hopefully, with the intention of learning education, this is not an issue.
Have a great time doing it.
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This Transformation student worksheet is a media-based learning android form of worksheets used to knowing knowledge about matter son transformation .It contains questions have been translation, rotation, reflection and dilatation .A child must choose the one the correct answer on each .After about the child answer all questions, children will know his score.
Thanks to google over the figures roomates interesting, apologize for breaking copyright if .Hopefully error with the intention of learning education, it is not a problem.
Good luck.
by K####: