About Auslan
This application was designed to learn and practice Australian Sign Language (AUSLAN) fingerspelling.
What’s new?
New Small/Large button enables small or large display for auslan and drill parts of the app. Some improvements made to the graphics.
Auslan button
When application starts, you are presented with display screen and 10 operating buttons. The input cursor is flashing and you are invited to enter some text. As you enter your text (example your name) and select done on the keyboard, you need to select Auslan button. This will display your text in auslan.
Drill button
When you select Drill button the application will select a random word, and display the word in auslan form. The user can then enter correct text for the word. After selecting done on the keyboard, the submit button will check your answer and score accordingly. Hits represent the correct answer. Application will also make a sound to recognise correct or wrong answer. The sound can be turned on or off. Repeat selecting Drill button to try another word and advance the score. To finish your drill session press the Score button. This will display number of Hits and Tries.
Large button
This button will toggle display between small or large display for Auslan and Drill buttons. In the large section of the app, the word is displayed letter by letter. Drill section hides the letters.
Alphabet button
This button will display alphabet. Press Go back button to return to previous Screen.
Game button
When Game button is selected, game screen presents 12 display buttons and 5 user buttons. New word, Alphabet, Help, Sound off and Go back buttons. You will also see clock display on right side of the screen which counts seconds. Help button will explain briefly how the game works. When New word is selected the clock is restarted and texts with the representing auslan pictures of the randomly selected word are displayed over the 12 buttons. The aim of the game is to select letter button first and match it to correct auslan picture button. When correct pair of buttons is selected the auslan picture will disappear. Continue with other matching pairs until there are no auslan pictures visible. The application will stop, the clock will also stop and message is displayed about how long it took to finish the word. The best time score is also reset if it is less than previous time set. Select the New word button again and try to beat your own best time. The Alphabet button will display auslan alphabet. Go back button will return you to the fingerspelling screen.
AtoZ screen will allow user to practise the alphabet. Selecting forward and back buttons will advance through letters of alphabet. Selecting Select letter button let you select individual letter and its auslan picture. A to Z button will display alphabet at 1 second intervals. Go back button will return you back to fingerspelling screen.
Test screen will let you practice by displaying words in auslan and asking user to type in the correct text answer. When new word button is selected, random word is displayed from first to last character on large picture holder at 1 second interval. Repeat button will repeat the word display. The display can be slowed down by selecting Slower button (2 seconds delay) between characters or select faster button to speed up the display (0.5 seconds delay).The easy button is a toggle button between hard and easy. Easy version will also display the word in the 8 small picture holders at the bottom of the screen. Hard version will turn the small pictures off. There is also Sound off toggle button to turn sound on and off. After the word is displayed the user can enter text of the displayed word and press submit button. The app will check if answer was correct and display message to the user. Selecting score button will display score and if number of correct answers is 5 or more clapping sound will sound. Go Back will return you back to Fingerspelling screen.
by U####:
It won't work on the Samsung tab A