About Potentiometer App for Arduino
I created this App to be able to connect to an Arduino via wireless Bluetooth. The user can then receive data from a potentiometer connected to the Arduino. This is designed to be used in the classroom to show students 1) how to use basic electronic devices and sensors, 2) an introduction to coding, and 3) to collect scientific data for statistical analysis
You will need an Arduino, jumper wires, an LED, a potentiometer, and an HC-06 bluetooth device.
The code can be found here:
const int analogInPin = A6;
const int analogOutPin = 9;
int sensorValue = 0;
int outputValue = 0;
int outPinGreen = 10;
int outPinBlue = 11;
SoftwareSerial BT(1, 0); //TX, RX respectively
void setup() {
pinMode(outPinGreen, OUTPUT);
pinMode(outPinBlue, OUTPUT);
// BT.begin(9600);
void loop() {
// while (BT.available())
sensorValue = analogRead(analogInPin);
outputValue = map(sensorValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
analogWrite(analogOutPin, outputValue);
Serial.print(" " );
digitalWrite(outPinGreen, HIGH);
digitalWrite(outPinBlue, HIGH);
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appinventor.ai_j_riddensdale.PotentiometerApp, download Potentiometer App for Arduino.apk
by T####:
nice app.....